An altar in honour to Diego Maradona in Naples


The controversy continue: They forbid to incinerate the body of Maradona

Published:19/12/2020 - 13:32h

Updated:19/12/2020 - 13:32h

Until not resolving the multiple demands of paternity generated after his demise, the body of Diego Armando Maradona won't be able to be incinerated in order of an Argentinian judge

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In order of an Argentinian judge, the body of Diego Armando Maradona will not be able to be incinerated until not giving answer to the multiple demands of paternity generated after his demise, as they will have to practise him proofs of DNA.

The resolution of the National Court of First Instance of the Civil Number56 indicates: "In front of the demise of the Mr. Maradona on 25 November 2020, done of public knowledge that does not require in this instance his accreditation, the Mrs. Gil requests that it make in cars the study of histocompatibilidad like proof anticipated and that to such effect the Fiscalía actuante remit the DNA sample obtained of the here accionado".

The car asks "like measure cautelar order and notify to the Cemetery Beautiful Garden Sight, split of San Miguel, Province of Buenos Aires, the prohibition of innovar on the mortal remains of the Mr. Diego Armando Maradona, so that his heirs and/or familiar direct and/or third do not have of the rests cadavéricos and the body was conserved avoiding like this his cremation", adds the sentence like answer to the demand interposed by Magalí Alejandra Gil, a youngster of 25 years whose biological mother, that gave it in adoption, indicated him in 2018 that his father was the star of the football.

Marcelo Izquierdo, pleaded of the young, commissioned to contact to the letrado of Maradona, Matías Morla, the one who aseveró that previous to his demise, his customer was had to practise the necessary proofs to know if the youngster was his daughter. Morla Also confirmed that Maradona would have four descendants in Cuba, those who add to another pending complaint in the Argentinian justice.

Six possible members of the family Maradona

Until the moment, the heirs are his five children recognised: Dalma, Giannina, Jana, Diego Fernando and Diego Jr. This last had the recognition of the mythical 10 years afterwards, in spite of his innegable alike physicist. To them they could add until six brothers more, that would go in in the distribution of the inheritance of 'The Lint'.

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