It will TAKE IT?
The council that him dió Gustavo Poyet to Sergio Agüero
Published:27/05/2021 - 02:22h
Updated:27/05/2021 - 02:31h
Although the ex footballer and ex trainer stands out that "it is an incredible player and the personal connection that has with Messi can do him a lot well" gave him a council to the Argentinian
The ex footballer and ex Uruguayan trainer, Gustavo Poyet, expressed this Wednesday in favour that the Barcelona fiche to Sergio Agüero, forward crashes of the Manchester City for considering that his near relation with Messi can be what the club needs to recover strength in the attack. However, it did him a criticism to the forward of the "citizens", although it cleared that it was constructive.
"If it leaves to seat in the sillita to play to the jueguito, can be a good signing. Lately I have seen more photos of him in the ergonomic chair in front of the computer that playing to the football and to me this concerns me", affirmed Poyet in an interview that did him in Esports Cope.
And it added: "I wish Him the best of the world, but the long seated player does him badly to the back, by very ergonomic that it was this chair. If enoja I'm sorry, but am treating to help it because it is an incredible player and the personal connection that has with Messi can do him a lot well".
You criticise to Koeman by Luis Suárez
During the interview, the ex Uruguayan footballer criticised to Koeman by the exit of Luis Suárez, although of this blamed more to the previous directive of the club. "If the managerial calls me to say me that I have to throw to a player, say them that they do it they. Although I understand that it finish to arrive to the Barça, that was his aim like trainer, and is complicated, recently llegadito say that no to the directive".
On the other hand, also it criticised to the directive of the club, for considering that presionaron too much to Koeman when doing him see that with each party played his continuity in the charge, something that can contribute so much in his exert as in the one of the players. "It seems that you are playing you the place all the while. It seemed that each party was an examination and this feels it the player and the trainer because we are human beings".
Poyet, also spoke of the exert of the Barcelona along all the season that finish to finish and signalled that they were very erráticos. "There were odd moments, when you saw that the team was to win a party. It seems you incredible that can hit a bajón so important in a party. There were incredible parties this season".
On Suárez
In front of the question on the season of Luis Suárez with the Athletic of Madrid, Poyet said not being surprised that it finished winning LaLiga, since the form in that it went out and in which it was despised in the Barcelona was the perfect mix of which took advantage of Simeone and the Athletic to win the tournament this year.
"If you could give him a plus to Luis Suárez was this form to go out of the Barça and besides go to a team like the Athletic. They found to Luis Suárez with a bronca internal to show that it still was in force. It said it the Cholo and already knew it all. And the Athletic of Madrid needed a player like Suárez, was missing him this sight, a player that always wants to be present to do what needs the team".