Cristiano Ronaldo reveals his future: "I no longer have to prove anything to anyone"
Published:28/12/2019 - 20:17h
Updated:28/12/2019 - 20:17h
Cristiano Ronaldo knows that there is less and less time to retire but, before this happens, he wants to continue enjoying football. In addition, it has subsequent future plans
Cristiano Ronaldo is 34 years old (fulfils the 35 the next month of February) and carries more than a decade to the foot of the cannon, being considered one of the best footballers of the world. In the short term, the Portuguese forward, now player of the Juventus of Turín, does not have thought to withdraw and his plans go through to follow enjoying of the football while it give him the physicist. Like this it said it in the 14ª edition of the International Conferences that organises the Council of Sports of Dubai.
The luso left clear that no longer has at all that show, since his effort has carried him to the highest, and ensured that now only remains him enjoy. "There is not secret neither miracles. Win in all the places in which I have been is not a coincidence, when you are a champion win always. Without a lot of work, without dedication and passion by what do can not achieve all what say the list of winners, the trophies, the records and the statistics. But the most important is to keep always high the motivation to keep this level. I no longer have to show at all to anybody but that to me same and to my family, now touches me enjoy of this", commented.
For Cristiano, the lifestyle is key to prolong his career. "Take care me like this is my way to live. You have to sacrifice you and devote 70% of your life to the football and to take care and know your body: physical preparation, feeding, recovery... And no all the sportsmen are had to this, say it without spirit to criticise to anybody, eh... But keep the level of excellence demands you think always in terms of excellence", said.
"I no longer have to show at all to anybody"
Of course, the Portuguese no only thinks in football and goes further. "In my life always try to learn, educate me and form me in that that interests me. Recover the time in which I had to renounce to this training in the school. There is life after the football. Win a Champions but or less does not go me to do happier, although of course that I want to win it", manifested.
Cristiano Ronaldo desveló any of his back plans to his withdrawal. "I prepare me for a new life in which I want to participate in new things: improve my English, do a film in Hollywood... And for this it is necessary to go out of your zone of comfort, learn increasingly and challenge you to you same, something that loves me. And, of course, surround you of intelligent people", aimed.
The luso reiterated that the motivation is key for encarar any challenge. "There is time for everything, the day has 24 hours and can train, rest, be with the family and the friends, enjoy, etc. Is necessary to find a balance, is not only train and train. When you see that the body does not have the same capacity to answer to what orders him the head have to know assume this and encararlo. There are so many things that learn... But the most important is to feel you always motivated", affirmed.
Besides, it spoke of all the figures that has beaten. "Achieve these records is a process that sucede of natural form after a lot of work. You have to be always ready and the records finish arriving. Surpass the record of goals of Peeled would be a reason of pride, of course, but each one have our history. I peeled it goes to be followed being Peeled, as Cristiano goes to be followed being Christian. Also it would do me illusion surpass the record goleador of the Iranian, think that this record has more merit", said.
Wishes for 2020
Cristiano Ronaldo also showed trusted follow playing to a big level and harvesting successes in 2020. "I expect that 2020 it was an excellent year, as they have been it these last. The truth is that I do not have bad years, but because I prepare me a lot. And I trust that the next also was a big year", concluded.