Cristiano Ronaldo shows that he doesn't lose the time in Madeira
Published:24/03/2020 - 12:10h
Updated:24/03/2020 - 12:10h
One of the sisters of Cristiano Ronaldo, Katia Aveiro, has hanged an image in Instagram in which we can see how 'CR7' keeps training to maintain his musculature
Cristiano Ronaldo carries already more than two weeks recluido in Madeira, but does not lose the time. The Portuguese player of the Juventus of Turín keeps a strict plan of training not to lose the fitness, and proof of this is the message that has published in the last hours one of his sisters, Katia Aveiro, through his account of Instagram.
In the image, can see to Cristiano Ronaldo luciendo muscles and surrounded of part of his family, confined with him in the residence of Madeira. 'CR7' displaced until his natal place does a pair of weeks when knowing that his mother had suffered an ictus, and the occurred days afterwards with the peak of the coronavirus in Italy has done that it remain confined in earths lusas until further notice.
The 'Vecchia Signora' decided to prolong him the permission to remain in Funchal, and there Cristiano Ronaldo trains and demands physically not to lose the rhythm of competition and, when it restart the football, can lucir his best level on the terrains of game.
"We continue home, taking care body and mind", is one of the sentences that has published his sister Katia Aveiro in Instagram, and the image is the firm proof of this. In spite of his 35 years, Cristiano Ronaldo was completing up to now a big season 2019-20 with the Juventus and the selection of Portugal, and wishes to be prepared for when they restart the competitions.
Still desconoce when will go back the football
This, in any case, to day of today is a mystery. And it is that the coronavirus follows accumulating contagions and deaths all over the world, and especially in Italy and Spain. Until the situation do not remit completely and the pertinent authorities approve it, so much the football like the rest of sportive events will remain suspended while it exist a minimum risk for the population.
For now, it touches to expect and go on doing what does the family of Cristiano Ronaldo. Exercise the body and the mind waiting for that, thanks to the measures restrictivas that are ordering in the distinct countries, the situation solve the before possible.