Criticism of Scholes to Pogba before fiche by the United
Published:24/07/2016 - 12:19h
Updated:24/07/2016 - 12:19h
The legendary midfield player of the Manchester United, Paul Scholes, has launched a slight critical to his namesake Paul Pogba, disagreeing of the quantity that is had to pay the conjoint "network devil" to do with the services of the Frenchman
In some statements conceded to "", the ex English midfield player of the Manchester United that now is playing to the five-a-side football in the Indian, Paul Scholes, has ensured that Paul Pogba is a footballer of a lot of quality that sure that will reinforce well to the ones of José Mourinho, but has criticised that the "network devils" are had to disburse so much money by him.
And it is that the last informations signal that the Manchester United will pay to the Juventus of Turín 120 millions, converting to Pogba in the most expensive player of the history of the football, and all this after the own English club left him leave practically with the letter of freedom in 2011 course to the club transalpino.
"It is a player with a lot of talent. I have played with him several times and, if you ask me, remember that his agent in the moment -of game to the Juventus- requested a price exaggerated for a player that had not played in the first team. Yes, he finished doing big things and evolved a lot, but do not think that was a player that cost more than 100 million euros. To cost this have to be a player that annotates more than 50 goals by season, as Ronaldo or Messi. Pogba Still has not arrived to this", remembers Scholes.
The signing multimillionaire of Pogba by the Manchester United has not closed still officially, but "L'Équipe" and other prestigious means have ensured during the last days that the agreement yes is resolved, by what is imminent that the news make public by part of both clubs. To the hairdresser of Pogba, besides, also escaped him in the social networks what already is a secret to voices.