As against Colombia in the Glass America 2021 or as in front of Low Countries and France in the World-wide 2022, Emiliano 'Dibu' Martínez has gone back to be the big hero of the selection of Argentina in a batch of penaltis. The combined of Leo Messi has had to arrive to the last instance to be able to advance to the semifinals of the Glass America 2024, after having equalised 1-1 in front of Ecuador the night of this Thursday, morning of the Friday in Spain.

Highlighting that the party did not have extention, something that only is enabled for the big final of the tournament, the guardameta albiceleste detained two shots in the batch in front of the ecuadorian group and finished 'saving' again to the combined Argentinian. 'Dibu' Also saved to his captain and maximum legend to remain exposed afterwards that the '10' failed his shot in the beginning of the batch after an execution to it Panenka that it finished hitting in the crossbar, highlighting that it noticed his fault of physical condition in front of the muscular annoyances that drags.

Agónico Tie of Ecuador to see again to the big 'Dibu' in the penaltis

Like this, the triumph by 4-2 in the penal gave him to the albiceleste his pass to the semifinals, instance in which it will play the Tuesday against the winner of Venezuela and Canada, that will confront the night of this Friday, morning of the Saturday in Spain. Already during the 90 minutes, another of the Martínez of the Argentinian group, Lisandro, went the attendant to open the marker to the 35', marking after a shot corner.

Ecuador, by his part, attained to force the penaltis thanks to a so much of Kevin Rodríguez when already it played the second minute of the time added by the referee of the commitment, attaining 'save' also to his captain, Enner Valencia, the one who to the 62' had given to the stick in a penalti with which could have planted the 1-1. The tricolour team was better that the Argentinian in a lot of moments of the party, especially in the second time, and finish finding his reward with the agónico tie, although only to see to 'Dibu' Martínez lucirse again.

Argentina attained the triumph, although suffering more than what thought

Shortly before, in the minute 96, in the last played of the discount, Moses Caicedo erró by centimetres what would have been a historical 2-1 for Ecuador and a hit to the heart of the tournament, that for now will follow having to the favourite selection with life, in addition to the valid champion of the tournament, and of the world. After the failure of Messi, the good executions of Julián Álvarez, Mac Allister, Gonzalo Montiel and Nicolás Otamendi put to Argentina in 'semis', instance where advance Venezuela or Canada, will have a party 'accessible' to go back to be in the final.