Eden Hazard


Extra kilos, beers, pressure... Eden Hazard's confessions that will 'piss off' Real Madrid fans

Published:19/02/2024 - 20:36h

Updated:20/02/2024 - 03:19h

Eden Hazard has given a new interview in which he seemed especially willing to talk about his experience at Real Madrid, making unpublished revelations that might not be well received by the Madrid fans

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Speak of Eden Hazard is to mention to one of the footballers more talentosos and desequilibrantes of the last years. Unfortunately, his career had an unexpected closing, so much by the age in which it decided 'hang the booties' (32) as by the level in which it did it. It was very far of the level showed in teams like the LOSC Lille and in Chelsea, which turns it into one of the big failures in signings of the Real Madrid, that invested 160 M€ in him. Only it could contest 76 parties, converting the scarce figure of seven annotations and offering 12 assistances. These numbers owe to a large extent to the unlucky injuries that suffered in the last years of his career.

At present, moved away of the fields, has seen him participating in several platforms web, where has made striking comments on appearances of his private life and his professional career. In a conversation with the also exfutbolista John Obi Mikel in his podcast 'Obi One Podcast', the Belgian did several reflections on his fallida adventure in the Real Madrid.

Hazard And his problems of weight

The exjugador of Chelsea left in clear again his fault of discipline regarding his feeding, what carried to that it always returned to the trainings of the Real Madrid out of form. "If it arrived out of form when beginning? It is truth. Each summer fattened 4 or 5 kilos because it thought that it already had given a lot during ten months. You put your body to the maximum level and the people gives you patadas. So your free time is your free time", commented.

Besides, it mentioned that it carried him time recover his fitness, by what the first months of the season were not the best for him. However, it attained to recover his best level with the step of the time. "If we fix us in all my career, the first month of season is the part in which it thought that it was only the principle, and afterwards, from September and October, was flying, because it needed time to put my body and my mind of the best form", explained.

The exjugador of the LOSC Lille also revealed an unpublished detail on his private life. "As Belgian, love me the beers because my country has the best beers of the world, so I do not say you that it was used to to drink every day because it is not truth, but sometimes after a good party, one or two are well", confessed.

The pressure to play in the Real Madrid

Regarding the difference between the 'Blues' and the merengues regarding the form of lidiar with the defeat, Hazard commented: "Chelsea is more familiar that the Real Madrid, here was necessary to win. In Chelsea, lost and the next day laughed us a bit in the shower. This did not happen in the Madrid. In Madrid could feel in the train that the people was not of the all happy if it lost ", aimed.

The injuries and how frustrated his adventure like merengue

The native of The Louvière also left clear that did not have a lot of fortune when recovering of an injury during his time in the Real Madrid, which affected his performance. "Had bad luck. I was to Dallas to operate me and when I came to Madrid already was the coronavirus. In two months, only home, did I the recovery. If it had to choose change an alone thing is to have him request to the doctor that came a fisio", began saying.

"When we went back to the field, hammered me, but my ankle no longer was the same and broke me all the season afterwards. It did exercises home and for me, was sufficient. I did not think that it was necessary to do more. After two months darse that yes I had to do more. When I went back to the field, noticed it", added.

Finally, Hazard also revealed how expressed him to Zinedine Zidane his wish to be useful to help to the team to win LaLiga, but his opportunities to play saw limited because of his injury. "It said him to Zidane: 'I Want to help, I want to push'. Afterwards the day that finish champions said him: 'No, I can not do more, am finish. My body is suffering a lot, so I need to do a suitable rehabilitation'. But already it was the end of the season", concluded.

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