Fire in the social media by the gestures of Cristiano in the The Best
Published:19/12/2020 - 14:19h
Updated:19/12/2020 - 14:19h
For the ex of the Real Madrid was impossible to hide his annoyance after the president of the FIFA, Gianni Infantino, awarded the prize to Lewandowski
The current forward of the Juventus, Cristiano Ronaldo, was news during the delivery to the prize to the best player of the year delivered by the FIFA, but no for having it won since the victorious was the star of the Bayern Munich, Robert Lewandowski, but by his evident reaction of annoyance when making public that the winner was the Polish forward and no he.
To the moment found the three nominated in a transmission and the president of the FIFA, Gianni Infantino, said the following: "I Go to announce who is the winner and not to surprise it am here with the trophy, that is something heavy, and will see if he is here also. The winner is Robert Lewandowski".
To the unísono, the screens showed to a 'CR7' with face of few friends, when seeing that again it would not be his year. By his part, also focused to Messi dressed of suit, this last showed expectante, although unlike the luso did not see annoying. Surely it had clear that would not receive the prize.
The seriousness of the Portuguese kept to the pair of the smiles of the president of the FIFA and of Lewandowski in the moment that did visual contact and did him delivery of the mentioned award. The ceremony closed with the dialogue of both, but neither Christian neither Messi went back to appear in screen.
So much the users of the social networks and media did not overlook it: "The Portuguese forward did not save the forms when they rewarded to Lewandowski with the prize 'The Best' to the best footballer of the 2020", wrote in The Salvador.com. "The reaction of Cristiano Ronaldo after the triumph of Lewandowski. The Portuguese could not hide his face of annoyance when knowing the result", highlighted in Am 502.
"Cristiano Ronaldo had face of few friends and the arms crossed when they gave the #TheBest to Lewandowski... And immediately Twitter filled of memes and pranks", stood out in Antenna 3 Sports. "Cristiano Ronaldo no lució happy in the delivery of the prizes The Best", thought in Goal.com
It was more than evident the annoyance of the today forward of the Juventus, the one who remained like second qualifier. Cristiano Ronaldo kept at all times an apathetic attitude, with serious face and arms crossed, apparently enojando by the triumph of the goleador Polish the one who with all merecimiento was the winner.
Incredibly, this is not the first time that the ex of the Real Madrid goes back tendency by his reaction in a delivery of prizes of the FIFA in which it is not the victorious. An identical episode occurred the past year, year in that Messi was the winner of the Balloon of Gold.
Behind Messi
The prizes The Best deliver from the year 2016, year in that Cristiano Ronaldo attained to go out victorious in front of Messi and Antoine Griezmann. To the following year repeated in front of Messi and Neymar. In 2018 it remained second (to the equal that in the edition of this year) and in 2019 was third behind Messi and Virgil go Dijk.
The luso has attained to win at least five Balloons of Gold if they explain the corresponding of the 2013 and 2014. It is the second footballer of the history with more trophies behind Messi, the one who accumulates six.