Christophe Dugarry


A French legend 'uses' the best Barça or the great Spain to leave a hint to Real Madrid

Published:9/07/2024 - 19:51h

Updated:9/07/2024 - 20:02h

Christophe Dugarry did not hesitate to open the debate on how football has changed in recent times, focusing more on 'resultism' instead of spectacle and 'jogo bonito'. He positioned himself as an advocate of avoiding winning 'at any price' and advocated achieving victory through good play

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In the world of the football, as well as in the sport in general, without any doubt, what finishes being determinant is the result. Obtain positive registers allows you win points and advance of phase, among others attainments. Nevertheless, there is something that is used to to generate debate, and is how achieves this good result. The debate divides mainly in two big sectors: those that believe in the victory at all costs and those that defend the triumph attained of a determinate form, that offer show to the public and was faithful to the principles of the game.

Recently, Christophe Dugarry, exfutbolista that was a member of clubs like FC Barcelona, Bordeaux, and of course, in the French selection, where accumulated no less than 55 internacionalidades, expressed his point of view on this debate through an apparition in 'RMC Sport'. It began saying: "In my opinion, the resultadísmo is a cancer for the football. There are two visions of the football. Those for which the result is more important that all the other and those that defend a vision of the football that is the one of the pleasure and the 'beautiful game'".

The arguments of Christophe Dugarry to defend the 'beautiful game'

'Duga' Explained why feels more attracted by this type of game 'disfrutón'. "Everything is a question of pleasure and of emotions, but the pleasure and the emotions are different for each one. For me, the emotion and the pleasure that have in the football is to see the game, initiatives, rhythm... It is intensity and technical what goes in at stake. I defend what gives me emotion and what does me enjoy", signalled.

Besides, the exdelantero offered a series of arguments in defence of this style of game. "All my life and even my career, by moments has been to the detriment of the efficiency, has liked me enjoy and has liked me the beautiful. When I go to see a football match, do not go to see a party to go me happy because my team is winning 1-0. I go saying me that I want to enjoy, that want to amuse me. It results that if afterwards the team by which have more affinity, besides, wins, put me the pelos of tip", commented.

Indirect to the Madrid? The French asked 'happen' of the 'win as it was' and not renouncing to the show

Finally, Dugarry explained why, independently of the result, is worthwhile to have a style of game that 'seduce' to the public and back the attainments obtained. It gave examples of several teams, between them the FC Barcelona and the selection of Spain. "Only I say that for me the football is a show and has to keep on being a show. Alas, the football is every time less show and only thinks in the result and this is turning into a cancer for the football. The beautiful is the party that did us dream when we were young, beautiful gestures, technical gestures... It is the Brazilian selection, is the best team of Spain, are the Italians in his moment, is the Barça... This is what did me dream. It is to see crazy parties, with rhythm, with intensity, with technical quality, this is wonderful! And this is football!", it concluded.

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