Guardiola, current trainer of the Manchester City


More near of the Barça? Guardiola Bought a house of luxury in the high zone of Barcelona

Published:12/05/2021 - 00:10h

Updated:12/05/2021 - 00:15h

By ten million euros, Pep Guardiola purchased an enormous house situated in Barcelona in a terrain of 2.114 metres squared at the side of the road of them Aigües

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Of agreement to the advanced by Global Chronicle, Pep Guardiola would have purchased a mansion of luxury in Font of the Lleó, one of the most prestigious streets of the neighbourhood of Pedralbes of Barcelona. The current trainer of the Manchester City there would be 10 million euros in a real estate prevail of 741 square metres.

Said mansion, is situated in a terrain of 2.114 square metres that allows him house all type of services. The real-estate transaction completed the past 12 February and inscribed in the Register of the Property on 11 March. Adempas, made through the society that the exfutbolista shares in diet of gananciales with his wife, the employer Cristina Serra.

Sale complicated

The seller is a Russian tycoon of the that does not have greater information, although from does some months has tried to sell said property. The exclusivity of the street where is situated has propiciado a competitive commercialisation in which, at the end, has imposed the family Guardiola-Serra with his offer of 10 million euros. The house is situated at the side of the road of them Aigües, beside the mountain of Sant Pere Màrtir, and has an impressive sight of all Barcelona.

They will have neighbouring of renown of Barcelona, like the constructors Sanahuja, promoters of Illa Diagonal, among others projects urbanísticos of renown. The real-estate group of the that are proprietary starred one of the big failures of the double recession of the past decade and arrived to boast that the family would lose the house in question, although finally they achieved to situate it to the margin of the contest of creditors.

Ancient house of Rafa Márquez

Guardiola Will not be the first name of the Barça linked with the mansion that would have bought two months backwards. It had been the home address of the Mexican player of the Barcelona Rafa Márquez, that defended the shield culé during seven seasons. In this then, trained to the orders of Guardiola and formed part of the mythical team that did with the sextete. With the course of the Mexican to the New York Network Bulls, the property put up for sale and went to stop to hands of the accumulated Russian to the cual Guardiola has bought it to him.

Return to Barcelona?

The acquisition of the mansion in question has shot all the alerts on a possible return of Guardiola to the city and to the club where turned into one of the best trainers of the world now that Laporta went back to the presidency. However, it is not the first occasion in that they produce rumours of this nature and were not real.

In 2019 already conjeturó with that Serra, the wife of Guardiola, would have returned to the city to promote his businesses, the fashionable chain multimarca Serra Clarety that directs with his sister. The family did gala of his discretion and avoided to confirm such extreme. Besides, it can not forget that Guardiola has valid agreement with the Manchester City until the summer of 2023, and finish to win his third title like champion of the Premier.