HUMOUR: Cristiano tries fardar of car and remains in ridiculous
Published:17/10/2016 - 20:19h
Updated:19/10/2016 - 15:18h
The star of the Real Marid, Cristiano Ronaldo, has tried fardar of new car in the social networks, and has found with a big quantity of "memes" of users that have left him in ridiculous, tricking indirectly of his vanity
Sure that Cristiano Ronaldo expected, when it published does some hours a his photo posing beside his new car, that would arrive him comments of admiration by doquier of part of his "fans", and that would turn into the protagonist of the day to follow expanding this statistics that so much illusion does him, the one to be the most been still in footballer the social networks.
As no. The true is that some users have commissioned to take advantage of the hanged image by Christian to design a big quantity of "memes" original and fun, with which have tricked of the vanity and egocentrism of the Portuguese player.
In the "memes" appeared in Twitter can see to Cristiano Ronaldo posing with his typical posture "robotizada", seeming a doll, and by this reason have compared him with a toy and also have mofado of his costly black car.
Ones have transformed it in a "Opel Corsa" destartalado, whereas others have turned it into a giant heel, tricking like this also of the virilidad of the footballer of the Real Madrid. Any, even, has contextualised the photography acclimatising it as if it treated of "Batman" with his car.
In definite, a group of fun "memes" that have selected and that leave you to continuation, so that at least you can you throw some laughs with the high pretences of a Christian Ronaldo that, from does years, believes the navel of the world when, for many, is a laughingstock owing to his "alter ego". The tuiteros @fer_novice, @sara_vmartin, @DolorsBoatella and @LaPijortera are his creators:
What happened the new car of Cristiano ! pic.twitter.com/lve2u4okzg
— Fer Inexperienced (@fer_inexperienced) 17 October 2016
-Robin, vígílame the buga.@Kurioso @That_rule @LaPijortera @unmundolibre @Pecachuk @fer_inexperienced @Proscojoncio @BobEstropajo pic.twitter.com/ormmqscimb
— Sara Vegas Martín (@sara_vmartin) 17 October 2016
— Dolors Boatella (@DolorsBoatella) 17 October 2016
It finds the siet..., no, the cin..., tr..., well, some difference. pic.twitter.com/ry6cqwzsgk
— Pijortera (@LaPijortera) 17 d'October of 2016