Vinicius Jr Has been one of the most important players of the Real Madrid and of Europe in these last two or three years. From his explosion in the season 2021/2022, has gone on line ascending until turning into one of the extremes more desequilibrantes of the world and be one of the firm candidates to the Balloon of Gold of this course. At the same time, it has been a white of criticisms by those who consider him a "provocador" in the middle of his fight by the racist insults that has received in diverse stadiums of Spain in these last times.

The player of 23 years has led an important fight for 'eradicate' the racism that has been present inside and out of the sportive enclosures of Spain and of the that has not been only he victim in the last times. At all times the world of the football has dumped with him, but are many the sceptics that him 'condemn' and those who justify that the racist insults arrive him for being a provocador in the lawn. Orn argument very debatable, because any provocation, answer or 'message' to the fans justifies that it can him criticise by his colour of skin.

Pintinho Sends a controversial message to Vinicius Jr

The true is that in the last hours arrived him to Vinicius Jr the enésima critical in this section by part of a his compatriot, Carlos Alberto Gomes, better known like Pintinho, the one who was international with Brazil and went through LaLiga in teams like the Seville or Cádiz. The exfutbolista stood out that, in 44 years in Spain, never have said him 'black' or has received insults by his tone of skin, signalling that the of 'Vini' are consequences for being a "provocador" and a "little clown".

In a talk with 'Flashcore', Pintinho has said, in concrete, that "carry here 44 years and to me never have said me 'black', what happens with him is that it is a provocador, although now it is better... But it is a bit clown", signalling that "or have been very critical with him, but now is a bit better, have given him a toquecito and is a bit better of head. But to my the truth that still have not convinced me to be a player".

The social networks 'condemn' to Pintinho

After the controversial statements on the player of the Real Madrid, in the social networks have thrown of archive to remember the statements of Pintinho in 2023 in 'The Desmarque' on a case of racism that lived in Pamplona. In this moment, also spoke of Vinicius Jr: "To my happened me in Pamplona. I angered me, clear, but had a reaction with me same and said me 'I have to surpass this'. I followed playing and at the end of the party put them a penalti", explaining that "they shouted me the song of 'what will be what has the black', a song that was fashionable in that period. They sang it to me during all the party and at the end came the penalti and had to callar. Vinicius Has to do the same, centre in his game and not looking to the descerebrados that abuse him from the terracing".