Fabián celebrates his goal with his mates of the Naples


Italy suspends Coppa for coronavirus: Postponed Napoli-Inter and Juve-Milan

Published:4/03/2020 - 17:33h

Updated:4/03/2020 - 17:33h

Italy is taking precautions very seriously to keep the Coronavirus from spreading and it has been announced that the Coppa semifinals will not be played until prior notice. Neither Naples-Inter nor Juventus-Milan will be played at the moment

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The coronavirus is affecting especially to Italy, that is one of the regions of Europe with more cases of contagion. As it could not be of another way, this virus also is affecting to the Italian football, that already has seen as they have suspended several parties. What almost anybody expected is that also they went to postpone the semifinals of Coppa of Italy. The news already has confirmed and the two turns will remain suspended until further notice.

The Tuesday knew that the Juventus of Turín-Milan would not play and this Wednesday has dictaminado that the Naples-Inter of Milan neither contest . Napolitanos And 'neroazzurros' had to play this 4 March the turn of these 'semis', but will not be able to do it by fault of this virus. The 'Gazzetta dello Sport' has ensured that any of the clubs involved has put hit to this postponement.

In the case of Napoli-Inter, the idea was that the meeting played to enclosed door, as it will occur in Spain for example in the Getafe-Inter and probably also in Valencia-Atalanta. This measure, nevertheless, did not like at all in the team partenopeo, that showed his disconformidad through his president. Aurelio Of Laurentiis refused this option arguing that it could have wrap in the city. The club already had sold more than 40.000 entrances and inflate them would have bothered a lot.

Besides, it is necessary to remember that the napolitanos have a valuable 0-1 of advantage after the gone in Giuseppe Meazza. With this result, play without public would suppose an advantage for the interistas, that need to win yes or yes to play the big final. The Naples probably also will have protested for this reason and finally would have achieved that the enclosed door remain in a postponement.

It will be necessary to be attentive to see when finish contesting the two semifinals, since the calendar hardly has hollow and could be a quebaredero of head. With almost total security will finish putting in a date that does not avenge him well to any of the groups involved, since, in addition to Coppa and League, Napoli, Juve and Inter follow playing European competition.

Attention to the Barça-Naples

In Spain already has dictaminado that they play to door closed the Getafe-Inter and Valencia-Atalanta by the coronavirus. For the moment, the FC Barcelona-Naples is not in risk, but in two weeks could change a lot of things. If the Italian city begins to have contagions or occurs this in Barcelona, the meeting could have to contest without public. This measure would be tremendously painful for the Barça, that has the support of his people to surpass to the napolitanos and colarse in chambers.