Jordi Alba en la previa a un partido con el Inter de Miami


Jordi Alba admits that he didn't care about Real Madrid's 15th Champions League

Published:3/06/2024 - 09:28h

Updated:4/06/2024 - 02:11h

Jordi Alba affirmed that his attention is centred in the Inter of Miami and the FC Barcelona, by what the consecration of the Real Madrid in Champions has mattered him little and at all

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The ex footballer of the FC Barcelona, Jordi Alba, left clear his priorities after the tie (3-3) between his team and the St Louis. When it asked him on his opinion about the recent consecration of the Real Madrid in the Champions League in the final in front of the Borussia Dortmund, the ex of the Barça answered contundentemente: "Anything that was not related with the Barcelona does not interest me".

This statement underlines the dedication of the footballer to his new team in the Major League Soccer (MLS), the Inter of Miami, and his inquebrantable loyalty to the club where happened the greater part of his career, the Barça. From his arrival to the Florida, has worked arduously to adapt to his new surroundings and follow showing his value in the terrain of game, shelving any external distraction.

To his time, mentioned that it still has energias to follow playing to professional level, by what does not think in withdrawing of the football in a near future. In his last meeting was a key figure when annotating a goal and dismiss with an assistance "Am with more win to follow competing, follow winning, but now am centred in this city, in this country and am happy and family is well. Or it was that wish him the best to the Barça, that is the club of my life", sentenced.

Only it thinks in the Inter and the Barça

The Catalan has showed that, his approach keeps on being clear: contribute to the success of his current club and keep live his connection with the team of the City Condal. His fault of interest in events like the Champions League, reflects his priority to concentrate in his performance and in supporting to his mates so much in Miami as in his club of all the life, the FC Barcelona.

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