Cristiano Ronaldo, after losing the Supercoppa


The Juventus takes a decision about the future of Cristiano Ronaldo

Published:1/01/2020 - 18:07h

Updated:1/01/2020 - 18:07h

Cristiano Ronaldo ensured in one of his last interviews that had the aim to continue playing some years more in the Juventus, and seems that his will can be fulfilled

Calendar of FC Barcelona

From Italy ensure that the sportive director of the Juventus of Turín, Fabio Paratici, already would have initiated the formalities to expand the agreement of Cristiano Ronaldo, the one who finishes links with the 'Vecchia Signora' in June of 2022. In his last glimpsed 'CR7' left clear that did not have any intention to leave of the picture turinés, and seems that the leaders of the club are had to fulfil his will.

The sportive director already is working in his future renewal without changing the economic conditions, since in the Juventus consider basic to the Portuguese footballer to treat to conquer in the short term the Champions League, a title that has turned into an obsession after the disappointments of the last years, with two stray finals in front of FC Barcelona and Real Madrid in the last years.

The Portuguese star explains now with 34 years and is about to to fulfil 35, by what initially would finish links with the Juventus with 37 years. In any case, in the 'Vecchia Signora' think that the luso finds still in a big state of form, and that still remain him some years more to surrender to the maximum level in the elite of the international football.

Like this the things, Cristiano Ronaldo could finish his career futbolística in the Juventus of Turín, unless to last hour decide to leave to some lower league like the Major League Soccer (MLS) of United States or to China, destinations that seem to not to attract him too for the time being.

Cristiano wants to struggle with Messi to the end

Cristiano is decided to be followed struggling by important titles to the end of his career in a 'big' of Europe, and the Juventus is it. In the particular individual conflict that is supported by Leo Messi, 'CR7' wishes to defend to the end registers like the one of maximum goleador historical of the Champions League, and have the option to conquer some 'orejona' more (at present has a Glass of Europe more than Messi).

If it will achieve it or no already it is another thing, but anybody can doubt of the competitive character of a footballer, Cristiano, that has had the bad luck to coincide in the same period with the best player of all time. And even so, it has been able to snatch him titles and prizes to base of work and proof.