Patrick Kluivert, seleccionador of Curaçao


Kluivert: "My illusion is to train some day to the Barça"

Published:18/03/2016 - 10:59h

Updated:18/03/2016 - 10:59h

The trainer of the selection of Curaçao and ex player of the FC Barcelona among others clubs, Patrick Kluivert, has carried out some statements in which it insists in that his big illusion is to have the opportunity to train some day to the Barça

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The current seleccionador of Curaçao that in his day was "nine" of the FC Barcelona, Patrick Kluivert, has ensured in some recent statements, collected by several media like the newspaper "Sport", that his big dream is to have the possibility to train some day to the Barça, something that seems very difficult to these heights by two reasons: the big moment of the Barcelona of Luis Enrique and the fault of experience of Kluivert like technician of elite. 

"My big aim is to be trainer of the Barça. It would be to give a big step for me and the best for my career. Never you say never", it has desvelado the ex Dutch footballer, that saves good memories of his go through the club. The stage of Patrick Kluivert in the FC Barcelona was not successful to level of titles and neither shined he to individual level in the Camp Nou, but in spite of this has the illusion to be able to return to which does several years was his house.

Kluivert, that during the World-wide of Brazil 2014 was the technical assistant of Louis Go Gaal at the head of the selection of Holland, accepted does some months the charge of a modest selection as it is the one of Curaçao, but that will serve him for curtirse like trainer and can aspire in the future to greater challenges. Simultaneously, Kluivert spoke also on other subjects of the actuality of the international football, like the recent arrival of Rafa Benítez to the bench of the Newcastle, a club out of sorts in the Premier League this season. 

"Benítez Is a big trainer. It has showed it along his professional career in the teams in which it has been. I know it and I think that it will be able to take out to the Newcastle of the zone of down. It is not pleasant for me see to the Newcastle in these positions and suffering, but expect that all finish well", comments Kluivert. It can that some day, who knows, the Dutch train also to some team of the Premier League, competition that always has attracted him and in which had the opportunity to play precisely in the rows of the Newcastle.