Zlatan Ibrahimovic, resting tumbado in a hammock of Miami


Like this it relaxes Ibrahimovic after the operation of knee

Published:15/05/2017 - 18:11h

Updated:15/05/2017 - 18:11h

The Swedish forward of the Manchester United, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, has been seen in Miami recovering with good company of the operation of the knee to which subjected does some days, and that will prevent him play along the next months

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The ex player of the FC Barcelona and globe-trotter of the international football, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, has been seen resting in a hammock of Miami days after they have operated him of the knee, after the injury that suffered does some weeks and that will prevent him go back to play until they pass several months, between 6 and 8.

The Swedish forward takes his period of ostracism separated of the football with philosophy, and has appeared in the social networks beside a beautiful girl resting under the sun of Miami, just when more rumours sound about a possible change of airs of face to the next season course to the Major League Soccer (MLS) of United States.

To Ibrahimovic always has attracted him said competition, although to his 35 years could continue at least a season more in the Manchester United, when wishing the conjoint "network devil" that follow a year more to the orders of José Mourinho and go back to sign a stellar season like the current, in which little it has been missing him to arrive to the 30 goals.

What will do Ibrahimovic the next season?

Ibrahimovic Will have now long time for meditar about his future, and no descarta that the influjo of the beaches of Miami and United States, in general lines, serve to convince him to live the next campaign in the North American country.

For the moment, the only clear is that the recovery of his knee leaves wind in stern. "His knee is so strong that the doctors said that they never had seen at all seemed", said his representative, Mino Raiola. "Zlatan Is so strong that the doctor wants it of turn after his career to investigate on him", added. Time to the time.


? @iamzlatanibrahimovic

A publication shared of Der Llerena B? (@deryillerena) The12 of May of 2017 to the(s) 1:40 PDT