This is how Lewandowski spoke of Messi and Cristiano after winning The Best
Published:18/12/2020 - 00:16h
Updated:18/12/2020 - 07:55h
Robert Lewandowski achieved to carry the prize The Best 2020. The Polish forward showed thrilled after surpassing to Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo
Robert Lewandowski, forward of the Bayern of Munich, carried the prize The Best of the FIFA to the best player of the year, in a virtual gala celebrated from Zúrich this Thursday in the afternoon. The veteran goleador turned into the first Pole in obtaining the esteemed award and attained to impose to two cracks like Cristiano Ronaldo (Juventus of Turín), that remained second, or Leo Messi (FC Barcelona), that remained third.
The ariete of the Bayern of Munich, that achieved to win the 'triplete' with the Bavarian team, showed thrilled after winning the prize to better footballer of the 2020. "I am very proud and very happy. I have to say honestly that it is a big day for me and for my club. Only I can give the thank you because this prize also is of my mates and of my trainer. It is an incredible feeling", explained.
"Win a prize by in front of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo means a lot for me"
Besides, Robert Lewandowski also had words for Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo after winning the prize. "Win a prize by in front of Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo means a lot for me", recognised, adding that "it has not been an easy year, as it has been it for all the world, but win all what could win. The victory in the final of the Champions League in front of the PSG, went a special day", added.
The forward of the Bayern of Munich also appreciated the prize to his mates, without which had been impossible to obtain the The Best after the big season. "It was a year sensacional. Be always up is difficult, but want to follow here. Thanks to all the technical body and to my mates. Without them, this had not been possible. It is difficult to find the correct words. I am very proud", commented.
In spite of that the past season won it everything with the Bayern of Munich, Robert Lewandowski already looks to the following, keeping the ambition to the maximum. "It does not matter the a lot of titles that have won, are not sufficient. Already I have the next trophies in mind, that is my mentality and the one of all the team. I expect that the next can celebrate them with the fans", sentenced.
The impressive year of Robert Lewandowski
Without place to doubts, 2020 was a year irrepetible for Robert Lewandowski by the following attainments: champion of the Champions League, champion of the Bundesliga, champion of the Glass of Germany, champion of the Supercopa German, champion of the Supercopa of Europe, maximum goleador of the Champions League, maximum goleador of the Bundesliga, maximum goleador of the Glass of Germany, player of the Year of the UEFA and footballer of the Year in Germany.