Eric Abidal was linked to the aggression that suffered Kheira Hamraoui player of the PSG


They link to Eric Abidal in the aggression to Kheira Hamraoui

Published:15/11/2021 - 23:54h

Updated:15/11/2021 - 23:54h

The ex Barcelona purportedly would have kept a sentimental relation with Hamraoui and this could have been the cause of the aggression that the footballer of the PSG suffered

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The case of the physical aggression that suffered the player of the PSG Kheira Hamraoui could suffer a radical change of 180 degrees. Of agreement to the French newspaper Le Monde, the ex player of the Barcelona Eric Abidal could be involved in said event.

Of agreement to the information made public by Le Monde, the otrora technical secretary of the Catalan square could have been the intellectual author of the referred round in plan of revenge. This would be due to that, purportedly, both would have kept a sentimental relation in the past.

This new version could descartar the hypothesis that it treated a round linked motivated to sportive rivalries. The quoted daily Frenchman adds also that have found the name of Abidal when tracking the mobile of Hamraoui and will be interrogated. This confirmed it Maryvonne Caillibotte, fiscal of the Republic of Versailles to the half French.

Le Monde, quoting the version of some mates of changing room Hamraoui, adds also that Abidal called it after the incident. The investigation aims that in the telephone of the player would be to name of Abidal. To his time, no descarta that the couple of the ex footballer, Hayet Abidal, also have to declare.

The aggression

Hamraoui Was struck with a bar of iron after being sharply take# out of the car in which it travelled beside his mate of team Aminata Diallo when it went out of a dinner with the rest of the team. "So we put to bed us with married men?", they would have insinuated him the aggressors to the moment of the aggression.

The answer of Abidal

Abidal, when being contacted by Sportive World denied to be linked with the sucedido. By his part, the lawyer of Abidal has not wanted to do comments in this regard to Le Monde when it asked him information in this regard.

It divides the changing room of the PSG

For the moment, so much Tominata Diallo like Kheira Hamraoui will not go back to train with the group before the Friday and will not be in front of the party against the Real Madrid in Spain. The decision took to keep the good environment inside the changing room, but seems to have had the contrary effect. Some players consider that do to a side that to Diallo is unfair after being freed without charges. Others, prefer that it return in what the subject have cleared entirely in front of the French justice.

The feminine team of the PSG recently was won of conclusive form by the Olympique of Lyon (6-1), shortly after the aggression to Hamraoui. In front of the question on it sucedido with the footballer, the trainer Didier Ollé-Nicolle explained that to the team affect him a lot the informations filtered of the incident and the refusal of the authorities of the Federation of French Football (FFF) to postpone the party as a result of the event.