Luis Enrique Martinez, in a file image


Luis Enrique announces the death of his daughter Xana

Published:29/08/2019 - 23:47h

Updated:29/08/2019 - 23:48h

Luis Enrique Martínez issued on Twitter the saddest possible statement: the death of his daughter Xana at age 9, due to a bone tumor

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This Thursday at night, the ex trainer of the FC Barcelona and ex seleccionador Spanish Luis Enrique Martínez announced publicly in a sense communicated published in his account official of Twitter the demise of his daughter Xana owing to an osteosarcoma, an osseous tumor, to the nine years of age.

The communiqué, of part of the family, announced the death of the small and appreciated the discretion and the comperensión showed. "Our daughter Xana has died this afternoon to the age of nine years after struggling during five intense months against an osteosarcoma. We thank for all the samples of affection received during these months and appreciate the discretion and the understanding", initiated.

The text directed with special affection to the medical personnel that treated to Xana during these last months. "Also appreciate to the personnel of the hospitals Sant Joan of Deu and Sant Pau by his dedication and deal, to the doctors, nurses and to all the volunteers. With a special quotation for the team of palliative cures of Sant Joan of Deu", prayed the text.

The letter finalised with a sense and moving message to the died. "We will throw you a lot of less but we will remember you each day of our lives with the hope that in a future will go back us to find. You will be the star that guide to our family. It rests Xanita", finalised.

The renunciation of Luis Enrique

Luis Enrique began on 9 July 2018 an ilusionante stage like seleccionador Spanish, after having triumphed with numerous titles in the FC Barcelona. Nevertheless, the past 26 March, shortly before a meeting against Malta, the Asturian abandoned of sudden form the concentration alleging reasons of greater strength.

The past 19 June, three months afterwards, announced that it left the charge través of a letter in which, appreciated to the Federation, players, staff and the means the the discretion and the respect by the situation. Until this Thursday, had not trascended the sad reasons of his renunciation.