Luis Enrique in a match with Paris Saint-Germain


Luis Enrique's 'sit-in', the beginning of the end for Napoli

Published:20/02/2024 - 12:05h

Updated:20/02/2024 - 12:27h

If Barça have a lot of tension before and after each game, their opponents in the last 16 of the Champions League are even greater, especially after a start to the season that was already very conditioned by the non-arrival of a top coach

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona will go back to the eighth of final of the Champions League after a pair of years and will do it in front of a rival that will arrive to the eliminatory with some much more complicated circumstances that the last weeks of the ones of Xavi Hernández. And it is that the president of the Naples, Aurelio of Laurentiis, has sacked this Monday to Walter Mazzarri, the second trainer of the season for the Italian team, confirming like this the disaster of course that is having the valid champion of the Series To.

Like this, the napolitanos will have a new technician by third time this season, since Mazzarri arrived to substitute to Rudi García, that was destituido the past November and that could not give continuity to the project of Luciano Spalletti, the one who attained that the Naples carried the 'Scudetto' after 33 years. But this free fall of the Italian team seemed to be written from the summer, moment in which Of Laurentiis had to 'conform' with García to the not being able to convince to any technician 'top' to assume the charge, in spite of the recent title of league.

Luis Enrique, 'culprit' of the crisis that crosses the Naples

And it is that the list of candidates of the Italian employer always was headed by a proper name: Luis Enrique. The idea of the also director of cinema was can give continuity to the offensive football of Spalletti with the idea of possession and intensity of the míster Asturian, but always finish finding with a "no" of the exseleccionador of Spain, the one who clearly was expecting a project with a better economic backrest, especially after being a strong candidate to the bench of Chelsea after the back months to the World-wide of Qatar.

That reverse finished with the decision of Of Laurentiis to call to the door of Rudi García, only two weeks afterwards that Luis Enrique gave that "no definite" . But the big problem seems to have been happen of a trainer of elite to one that came to be sacked in Saudi Arabia and that in Italy always has been cataloged like a trainer without tactics neither defensive work, something that noticed almost immediately and that left him out of the alone project three months to begin the season.

Now Francesco Calzona, right hand of Spalletti during his stage at the head of the Naples, will have the challenge to try give back the stability to a club of the more convulso. And all this with the Barça and the crossing of eighth of the Champions League of by half, by what any result that was not a goleada against this Wednesday could finish seeing as positive for at least arrive with life to the meeting of turn in Lluís Companys.