Pep Guardiola gives an indication under the rain


Manchester City pronounce on the future of Pep Guardiola

Published:11/10/2020 - 00:52h

Updated:12/10/2020 - 20:23h

Manchester City's director of operations has discussed the future of Pep Guardiola in his latest interview. The Catalan coach ends his contract in 2021 and has not yet renewed, but the English club will have patience because they want him to continue

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Pep Guardiola finalises his agreement with the Manchester City in June of the next year. The Catalan trainer already has spoken in several occasions of his future and is not by the work to renew until it fulfil with the aims that has marked for his team. "It would love me remain me more time in the City, is a place where am really well, but to remain me have to it to me deserve. This club has arrived to some banners, and that to renew have to keep them", commented in the past month of September.

These words leave clear that the one of Santpedor is happy in Manchester, but does not want to precipitate. The past season, the English did not win neither the Premier League neither the Champions League, the two more important titles of the course, and probably that is the aim of the technician for this campaign. Perhaps winning one of them decide to expand his agreement or can that it do it before if they convince him from the club.

Precisely this is what want to do the leaders 'cityzens', that are with Guardiola to 100%. Omar Berrada, director of operations of the British group, spoke on this in the newspaper 'Telegraph'. The leader, that recently confirmed the interest of his club in fichar to Leo Messi if it goes of the FC Barcelona, ensured that in the City only think in that Pep remain much more time in the Etihad.

"Will have a conversation with him in the suitable moment and expect that it extend his stay because his contribution has been enormous and durable", commented. For him, the Catalan is the best of the world and is very proud that it form part of the entity. "Speech very well of the far that has arrived the club that Pep have fulfilled his longer agreement with us. This means that it is happy to be here and that feels comfortable here. It is the best trainer of the world and want to that it remain ", insisted.

The City will have patience with Guardiola

Berrada, besides, signalled that the objective number one of the ones of Manchester is to convince to the ex barcelonista so that it remain . In this sense, recognised that for now they have not thought in substitutes, since they trust his continuity. "If had the feeling that we would have to begin to schedule the succession, would do it. But our priority is to do what can and speak with him to ensure us that it seats comfortable", aimed.

To finalise, the director of operations of the City admitted that they will expect to Guardiola the time that do lacking. In the club have comprised that renew to the of Santpedor will require patience and go to have it whatever happens. "We want that all the circumstances are the suitable so that it continue. If it requires a bit of time, as it requires a bit of time. But we want to that it remain ", it concluded.

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