Mbappé assures that staying at PSG is his "only option"
After a week in which he has been the great protagonist in European football, Kylian Mbappé has spoken to the media to 'clarify' his intentions for the 2023-2023 season
Kylian Mbappé Hoards all the focuses since, the Monday, revealed that it had sent a letter to the Paris Saint-Germain communicating that it did not go to execute the extension of his agreement until the summer of 2025. The decision of the French club was to put it in the market of signings this year, but has not seated well to the footballer, that is convinced in that it wants to be still in the Park of the Princes in a campaign more.
The 'war' Mbappé-PSG has caused a lot of stir and, in the previous of the party between Gibaltrar and France by the classification to the Eurocopa, the player of 24 years has issued some statements in front of the media. It was questioned on his continuity in Paris and kept that his plan is to remain and that did not expect that the letter that sent 'disturbed' so much, but can not control the reactions.
Mbappé Confesses in Lighthouse
The captain of the selection of France has not remained quiet and confessed that follow is his only option, although it continues being constantly related with a movement to the Real Madrid this summer, that would surpass the 200 million euros: "Already I have answered to this question (of his future). Be still in the PSG is my only option in this moment and am prepared to go back in pre-season", said, in concrete.
On the letter to the PSG, stood out that "nor think that a matt letter or offend to somebody. I can not control the reactions of the press and those that generate was, by what matter me quite little. Besides, the letter has not been sent now, went before the concentration, there are things that me extrañan and insist, expect questions on the party".
They will be able to influence from France in his continuity in the PSG?
The attacker of Bondy also has been questioned on if the president of France, Macon, will have influence on his future, after he same confessed recently that will go back to 'presionar' so that it continue. Mbappé Said: "On my career today, in 2023, any. It wants that it remain me in Paris, my aim is to remain me, are in the same wave".
Of the same way, highlighted that it does not surprise him the 'stir' that has caused in these days: "I Am accustomed to this type of things from very young. I think in the party of morning. That is my only worry. Always I have achieved to do the two things. I want to show tomorrow that I am a big player".