In some statements conceded during an interview to "BT Sport", José Mourinho has left clear that since it abandoned forzosamente Chelsea, does already some months, has had offers very interesting "" to start with to train before it finished the present course 2015-16, but that however has preferred to expect because it wants to work from the month of July, in pre-season, planning of this form well the course of the campaign 2016-17 with his future club, that still desconoce.
The ex technician of Real Madrid and Chelsea, among others clubs, ensures that "they have said and written a lot of lies" on which will finish being his professional future, and to his 53 years signals that "I have had interesting offers to work since I left Chelsea the past month of December. No only they were offers, but good offers, but have taken the decision to expect with tranquility. The worst is that I have had to listen and read a lot of lies on me, a few".
However, by the moment would have declined them all because it wants to have the sufficient time as to schedule well the next season splitting from the pre-season, and no with the present campaign already begun. "The reality is that I want to work and usually this sucede in July, around the middle of July, when they initiate the pre-seasons. In some club want that it was there with them", has recognised the Portuguese.
In the quoted interview, José Mourinho has not wanted to speak on the case of the ex fisioterapeuta of Chelsea, Eva Carneiro, with the one who had problems to the start of this season, in a confrontation that was one of the factors that finish unchaining his course of Stamford Bridge, contributing to desestabilizar even more to the "blues". For the moment, the two protagonists of the controversy are quoted to speak in front of a judge.