New message from Andrés Iniesta from Japan
Published:22/03/2020 - 21:50h
Updated:23/03/2020 - 00:21h
Andrés Iniesta, ex player of the FC Barcelona, commanded a new message to his followers from Japan to ask strength to do menguar the pandemia of the coronavirus
The propagation of the coronavirus has carried to a situation of alert to countries like Spain or Italy. Andrés Iniesta, ex footballer of the FC Barcelona and at present player of the Vissel Kobe, wanted to command a message of support to the affected, as well as of prudence to avoid that all complicate . The midfield player of Fuentealbilla published a video in his social networks.
The manchego asked solidarity to the citizens. "Between all have to do that this brake, that this stop and that go back the normality what before. Each one from our position have to help in all what was possible, in the present and in what it will come in the future have to help us and be solidarios between us. The only form is to help us, there is not another formula, and in these moments be more joined that never", said.
Besides, it commanded spirits and strength to the sanitary professionals. "From a lot of kilometres of distance follow very pending of all what occurs in our country. This is a message of strength, of spirit, of gratitude for all the professionals that, to each hour, each minute, to each instant, are struggling for saving tantísimas lives. By all the effort that are doing, a tireless and incalculable work. We appreciate it to you and will appreciate it to you always", manifested.
Iniesta wanted to recognise the big work that are doing all they by the very common. "All the doctors, auxiliaries, nurses, nurses... All the people that is investigating to find something that can brake this, follow you encouraging to that you take out strength of where there are not them because it is an incredible work the one who are doing", continued.
The midfield player of the Vissel Kobe regretted also by the people that have died because of the coronavirus and that already reach the 1.422 mortal victims in Spain. "Also appreciated to all the people of security, workers of public services, that expose you and treat to help to that all was easier. And how no for all the familiar of the died, that are terrible moments; my thought and my affection for all they", said.
To finalise, wanted to ask consciousness to the people, remembering the important that is "to go on doing case to all what say us the professionals, that are those that know", reiterating that keep each one in his domicile "is the way of not following infecting us".
The message of Iniesta
?❤? #JuntosGanaremos #Quédateencasa pic.twitter.com/j77ckey83v
— Andrés Iniesta (@andresiniesta8) March 22, 2020