Cristiano Ronaldo in a party with the Juventus


New positive for Cristiano Ronaldo: Juventus-FC Barcelona will be lost

Published:22/10/2020 - 14:27h

Updated:23/10/2020 - 00:36h

Cristiano Ronaldo has gone back to give positive by coronavirus to less than a week of the party against the FC Barcelona, by what has remained descartado for the duel

Calendar of FC Barcelona

It does some days, Cristiano Ronaldo, footballer of the Juventus of Turín, gave positive by coronavirus during the concentration of the selection of Portugal, reason by which went back quickly to Italy to happen the quarantine and his process of recovery in the city in which it resides. Of course, the fact to having been infected separated him of the team waiting for ridding of the illness to be able to go back to play.

In the horizon, Cristiano Ronaldo discerned the party of Champions League against the FC Barcelona of the Wednesday of next week, in what it would be the first duel of the Portuguese against the Barcelona from his course of the Real Madrid. Nevertheless, the Portuguese forward has given positive in a new test PCR and has remained automatically descartado for the appointment.

The protocols of security of the UEFA against the coronavirus force to the players to happen the test PCR a week before the parties to allow them play. The case is that Cristiano Ronaldo, that keeps the quarantine in his domicile being asintomático, has given positive in the penultimate test that had had to happen, being the last and definite 48 hours before the party.

Like this the things, Cristiano Ronaldo will lose the party that the Juventus of Turín will play this same weekend against the Hellas Vernoa and also the one of the FC Barcelona of the next Wednesday. The reunion between the Portuguese and the FC Barcelona will postpone to the Tuesday 8 December, date in which bianconeros and Barcelona will measure his strengths for the second time in the liguilla.

Crucial drop for the Juventus

The important duel between the FC Barcelona and the Juventus of Turín will have the drop of the big star of the Italian team. The Barcelona group will remove of on an important threat as it is it Christian Ronaldo, that follows keeping a big level since it went to the Series To. In his place, Andrea Pirlo would bet by Álvaro Morata, that annotated two goals in front of the Dinamo of Kiev.

By his part, the FC Barcelona will not be able to have Gerard Hammered, that was expelled in the party against the Fenercváros for committing a penalti being the last man. The central Catalan will be a very sensitive drop in defence that will be covered by Ronald Araújo, that will be able to play his second party of Champions League without the pressure to have in front a so big threat like the one of Cristiano Ronaldo.