Since it went out the documentary of Neymar lto information goes and comes of constant form, with a big load of anecdotes that finish to confirm suspicions and in other stages allow to know more thorough how thinks the footballer, that is used to to be quite controversial and complains that they do not understand him, attack him and many times, entrometen in his life.
Part of this was what sucedió with his father, that always was signalled by a big quantity of things that yes, said he, but when seeming took the paper of 'poli bad' in the history to give him protection to his son. At least like this it see it the representative of Neymar and one of the protagonists in the career of the Brazilian since fichó by the Barcelona.
"My son did not go of the Barcelona by mine will. It was in his zone of comfort and wanted to go out of her. It had fixed one put… Neymar never wanted to be better that Messi, was not for going out of his shadow. In reality, Neymar adores to Messi", ensured the father of the footballer, in a section that also took the word Luis Suárez ensuring that it never knew the reason by which this signing produced .
But the things did not remain only there since during the promotion mediático of Neymar the differences were so much external like interns, something that leaves see in program. A discussion between the footballer and his father marked an important point that maybe was what calmed the character that always had in front of the press, reducing of considerable way his rajadas and clashes in public.
You know what means arrogance? When you do not listen. You say: "That is my opinion". I ask you that you are humble. When I see that no longer you listen me, I concern me. When you do not listen to anybody, fall in cheats. They tend you cheats every day. I do not want to cry, uncle. I have arrived until here. In ten years, will finish your career, will have done our work. I will rest and you will do you charge of all what have built". Like this it culminated that desencuentro between both.
Time afterwards, at all changed
In spite of that Neymar arrived like the big star of the PSG there was not at all to his favour between injuries, his private life and the failures of the team in Europe, the big aim that posed with the investment done by the Brazilian. After several attempts fallidos, the player finished asking the arrival of Messi and like this sucedió, although now they are two ex culés that no carburan in the team and the things are in a way very pantanoso.