Gareth Bleat has announced that leaves the football of immediate way. The Welsh attacker, champion of Europe in five opportunities with the Real Madrid, has decided to put an end to his sportive career six months after abandoning Santiago Bernabéu and enfilarse in Los Angeles FC, team of the MLS of United States.

The Welsh has confirmed it through an extensive communiqué in his social networks, in which it has written that "After an accurate and reflexive consideration, announce my immediate retreat of the football of clubs and international. I seat me incredibly lucky to having made my dream to practise the sport that love. Really it has given me some of the best moments of my life. The highest of the maxima in 17 seasons, that will be impossible to retort, without mattering what offer me the next chapter".

It has given details on his extensive career: "From my first touch in Southampton until my last with LAFC and all the other, gave form to a career in the club by which have an immense pride and gratitude. Play and capitanear to my country 111 times has been really a dream done reality. Show my gratitude to all those that have played his paper along this trip, feels like an impossibility. I seat me in debt with a lot of people for helping me to change my life and give form to my career of a way that never could have dreamed when I began to the 9 years".

It took advantage of to appreciate to all the clubs by which has happened: "To my previous clubs, Southampton, Tottenham, Real Madrid and finally LAFC. All my managers and previous trainers, personnel of trastienda, mates of team, all the fanatical devoted, my agents, my incredible friends and familiar, the impact that has had is incommensurable".

Gratitude to his family

"My parents and my sister, without his dedication in these first days, without a so solid base, would not be writing this statement in this moment, so thank you for putting me in this way and by his unconditional support. My wife and my children, his love and support have sustained me. Justo to my side in all the altibajos, keeping me connected to earth on the way. You inspire me to be better and you enorgullezco. Then, I go on with anticipation to the following stage of my life. A time of change and transition, an opportunity for a new adventure…", wrote to close the communiqué.