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OFFICIAL! The Premier suspends the day of this weekend

Published:9/09/2022 - 13:32h

Updated:9/09/2022 - 13:37h

Although it was not forced to this, the Premier has decided to postpone the date of league of this weekend, including the party of the Monday 12 September. All this, by the demise of Reina Elizabeth II

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Premier League has informed officially the suspension of his day of this weekend. The English competition has explained in an official communiqué that "like sample of respect to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, the parties of the Premier League will be postponed", explains in his start. Besides it adds that "in honour to his extraordinary life and to his contribution to the nation, and in signal of respect, the day of the Premier League of this weekend will postpone , included the party of the Monday at night".

Few minutes afterwards, to the Premier followed him the Association of Football (FA, by his acronyms in English), that decided to suspend all the official parties of the weekend. "Her Majesty the Queen was during long patron saint of the Association of Football and has left a durable legacy and imborrable in our national football. In signal of respect, after the demise of the queen, the English football has joined to postpone all the football matchs between the 9 and on 11 September", explains the FA.

The announcement of the British Real House on how had to face the duel of 12 days that follows to the death of Elizabeth II did not force to the suspension, leaving the decision in hands of the organisers. "There is not obligation to cancel or postpone events and sportive meetings, neither close places of entertainment during the in mourning National period. This remains to discretion of the individual organisations. Like sample of respect, the organisations could consider cancel or postpone events or close places the day of the funeral of State. They do not have any obligation to do it and this is entirely responsibility to discretion of the individual organisations", comments the note of the British Crown.

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