Overmars will leave Ajax and could finish at Barça
Published:16/12/2020 - 12:30h
Updated:16/12/2020 - 12:30h
Marc Overmars, former Barça player and Ajax sports director, would be close to agreeing to leave the Dutch team at the end of the season. The former striker could end up at Barcelona as part of one of the candidacies
Marc Overmars played in the FC Barcelona from the year 2000 until the 2004, when renouncing to his last year of agreement decided to put end to his career. The extreme landed in the City Condal being in that then the most expensive signing of the history of the club, something that pursued him during his stage there. Although it did not surrender badly, the injuries prevented him become the star that the Barça believed to be fichando.
In spite of everything, the barcelonismo saves a good memory of the Dutch, that always will have to the group barcelonista in his heart. Now, a lot of years after all this, the one of Emst is the sportive director of the Ajax, team with which has harvested big recent successes, like the semifinals of the Champions League in 2019 and the doublet of Eredivisie and Glass this same season.
Nevertheless, according to the last informations, the Dutch would be about to to arrive to an agreement with the 'ajacied' to terminate his agreement when it finalise the present campaign. This movement could be related with the elections of the Barça, since it has rumoreado that some precandidato could be interested in offering him the place of technical secretary to Overmars.
The journalist of 'Esport3', Oriol Domènech ensures that, by the moment, the ex international by Holland does not have any agreement with any club neither with any candidate. His exit of the Ajax is due to that it thinks that has finalised a stage after nine years in the charge. It will be necessary to see if any of the precandidatos to the comicios of the Barcelona does some approach and confirms these rumours that situate him in the club.
It is necessary to remember that in the FC Barcelona already are Sergiño Dest and Frenkie of Jong, ex of the ones of Ámsterdam. Besides, Erik you Hag, trainer of the 'ajacied', sounded for the Barcelona team the past season and who know if it could go of the hand with Overmars in case that it finish in the Camp Nou. The technician is of the school of Pep Guardiola, with the one who coincided in the Bayern of Munich, and could be an interesting candidate if to Ronald Koeman do not go out him the things.
The Premier could be another of his destinations
On the other hand, in England comments that the future of the ex attacker could be in the Premier League. There it is where more shined like footballer, since it was in the rows of the Arsenal where exploded and turned into one of the big stars of the league. Precisely the 'gunners' could try do with him, although by the moment there is not at all confirmed and it will be necessary to expect a time to know more.