Pelé, delivering a prize to Messi in an image of archive


Pelé ignores Messi: "Today, Cristiano is the best"

Published:25/03/2020 - 19:47h

Updated:25/03/2020 - 21:44h

Pelé, one of the best players in history, spoke of the comparison between Messi and Cristiano and assured that the Portuguese is better. In addition, he stressed that he himself is the best player of all time

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The egos in the world of the football are a reality and between the 'cracks' many times are used to to have envies, problems or confrontations. The rivalry between Cristiano Ronaldo and Leo Messi​ goes to be one of the most remembered of the history by a lot of reasons, and each little time speaks of who is better of the two. The last in doing it has been Edson do Nascimento, Peeled, that, besides that, has left patent that the ego of the player of football does not go neither when they have withdrawn .

On if it is better Christian or Messi, the Brazilian left very clear his posture and did of less to the Argentinian of the FC Barcelona. "The election is difficult because it is all very equalised. But for the time being Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player of the world. Obviously nor can forget to Messi, but the Portuguese is the best because it is more consistent and more stable", explained in an interview for the channel of Youtube 'Channel Pilhado'.

In spite of these words, the numbers and the titles say the contrary. The '10' barcelonista carries more than a decade dominating in LaLiga and showing also his superiority in Europe. To the luso has cost him more mark the difference to collective level in Spain while it played in the Real Madrid, but in Champions himself has surpassed to the rosarino these last years. In summary, estadísticamente speaking are more or less to the pair, but CR7 never has had neither will have the magic of Leo.

The moment to take out his ego to relucir was when they asked after him who has been the best footballer of the history. I peeled it did not have any problem in recognising that under his point of view he has been the best. "In this sense can not forget to Zico, Ronaldinho and Ronaldo, the 'Phenomenon'. And in Europe, Franz Beckenbauer and Johan Cruyff. Now well, it is not my fault. But I think that I Peeled it was better that all they", commented, referring to himself same in third person.

'Or Rei', as it has called him always, explained an anecdote on his father and insisted in that the three World-wide that won turn him into the true king of the football. "My parents 'closed the factory'. My father marked five goals of head in a party, is the only record that did not beat. But I have won three World-wide. Perhaps there is some prince, but king only there is one", admitted.

Not even it appointed to Maradona

These words of Peeled have almost more meant by what does not say that by what really says. Appoint to Zico or Ronaldo, but no to Diego Armando Maradona, that for many is the best of all time, even by in front of him, says a lot. The relation between both, the same that between Brazil and Argentina, never has been too good, by what do not surprise his statements.