In England are the alarms lit by Virgil go Dijk, the one who fell lesionado in the defeat of the Liverpool against the Brentford. Different half had announced that it had been graver of the expected and now has been the trainer 'network', Jürgen Klopp, the one who has installed the pessimism regarding the physical state of the central Dutch.
In press conference, Klopp explained that "the diágnostico has been quite hard. It goes to be went more than a month, but trust that it can recortar terms". The club had confirmed in the first medical part that suffered an injury in the sinew of the corva, but after different proofs would have worsened his situation. His absence will be a big problem for the Liverpool in a vital month.
In this sense, Go Dijk will be 'KO' by what subtracts of the month of January and expects his comeback around the middle of February. The forecast, in principle, is that it can be recovered for the party of the gone of the eighth of final of the Champions League, against the Real Madrid, the next 21 February, but there is not security that it can be to 100%.
The international with the 'Oranje' will be absent in a month that is key for the Liverpool and in which it will confront to the Wolverhampton (07/01), Brighton (14/01), Chelsea (21/01), Wolverhampton (4/02). It is doubt, also, for the crashes against the Everton (13/02), Newcastle (18/02) and the crash against the Real Madrid of the day 21.
It is not the only sensitive drop
It is worth it to remember that Virgil go Dijk is not the only lesionado 'grave' in the Liverpool, place Luis Díaz suffers a break of the collateral ligament of one of his knees and the prognoses are more than negative: it could not return to the terrains of games until the month of March, by what can lose the two parties of the eighth of final of the Champions League. Jürgen Klopp will be forced to be followed looking for forms that it do not notice his absence.