Kylian Mbappé, during a party of the PSG


The five reasons that motivate to Mbappé to go of the PSG

Published:24/08/2021 - 22:59h

Updated:25/08/2021 - 01:14h

A lot it has spoken with regard to the wish of Mbappé to go out of the PSG and land in the Real Madrid. However, the reasons desconocían, at least up to now

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The future of Kylian Mbappé follows without being clear. The international French already has communicated him to the PSG in several occasions his intention of not renewing. The ball now is in the roof of the French group, that has to decide if it does not sell him and sees how goes free in 2022 or leave him go out this summer and receive 150 million euros.

However, many ask what is what motivates to the French to want to go of the PSG. Of agreement to the daily ACE the reasons could be the following:

1. Bad relation with Leonardo

One of the main reasons by which Mbappé has not wanted to renew with the PSG is by his bad relation with the sportive director of the club, Leonardo Nascimento. In fact, to the have not been able to convince it to renew the own Nasser To the-Khelaïfi negotiated directly with him.

2. It does not want to renew

To date, the PSG has done him arrive a total of six proposals of renewal to Mbappé and the six has refused them. The decision of the forward of not renewing is firm from does a lot and neither the succulent neither all the money of the sheik of Qatar seems can convince it.

Mbappé Has clear that his dream is to dress the T-shirt merengue and little have mattered him the proposals that To the Khelaïfi and Leonardo have done him arrive so that it was still in the PSG. It is by this that, if his exit does not give in August of this year, is possible that arrive free to the Real Madrid the next year.

3. Messi displaces him

Another problem in the list is the arrival of Messi and this has put to Mbappé a luck of second dish. Although the exjugador of the Monaco asked him to the PSG a competitive project and To the-Khelaïfi has fulfilled it, the French wanted that this project turned around his person. With Messi, the PSG approaches to the Champions, but Mbappé remains in a second place, since all the looks will be put in "The Flea".

4. Promise broken of To the Khelaïfi

Another of the reasons that could have angered to Mbappé is the agreement that had with To the-Khelaïfi in 2017 and that this would have broken. Of agreement to The Times, the president of the PSG promised him go out in 2021 of Paris, but with the singularity that said clauses are forbidden in France, by what all reduces to a "agreement" of word whose links is still in doubt. Mbappé Wants to go out of the PSG this same month and this pact broken by To the Khelaifi could have angered even more to the player.

5. The public tires

From his arrival in 2017, Mbappé suffered an audible pitada of the Park of the Princes in the first party of the current season. Justo when it sounded his name in the megaphony of the stadium, the bloated of the PSG booed him trying presionarlo so that it clear in public if it wants to follow or leaves . Although afterwards it transformed the whistles in applauses after the excellent party that made with the Strasbourg.