Samuel Eto'or showed  annoying by the false interview


Samuel Eto'or explodes by his false interview spread in France

Published:2/04/2018 - 19:31h

Updated:3/04/2018 - 00:58h

The past Sunday a half French published a false interview with Samuel Eto'or in reason of the day of the innocent in which it ensured that the ex player of the FC Barcelona was preparing his candidatra to be president of Cameroon

Calendar of FC Barcelona

In reason of the Day of the Innocent Saints in states like France, the magazine 'Jeune Afrique' spread the past Sunday a false interview in which purportedly Samuel Eto'or had affirmed that pretended to be the next president of Cameroon. The interview gave the turn to the world and a lot of media did echo of the news, that finally resulted to be a hoax.

The Cameroonian forward did not take at all well the publication of the half French and showed his disapproval and his anger through the different profiles that has in the social networks. The ex player of the FC Barcelona considered a lack of respect the false interview that did on him.

The anger of Samuel Eto'or

Samuel Eto'or explained by social networks that the politics of Cameroon can not take to prank. "Like Cameroonian, respect "deeply" the institutions of my country and of those who represent them. Therefore, I think that the presidential elections of 2018 of Cameroon and the exercise of the supreme office are very important so that we can speak of this so airily", wrote.

The Cameroonian forward showed outraged for having caused busras of a subject that is very delicate and that affects to a lot of people in his country. "More seriously, the authors of this farce evoke to trick of the crisis anglófona. A situation that causes desolation and duel daily in my country", continued.

The ex of the Barça considers it a lack of respect

Samuel Eto'or finalised ensuring that it believes firmly that what began being a prank finished being a lack of respect. "I think that the words attributed to my modest person under the appearance of a supposed farce are absolutely atenuadoras and denote a total lack of respect by part of his authors", sentenced.


*MISE AU POINT* Sous Them titres "Je rêve of the présidence comme Jules César rêvait of Rome." "Samuel Eto'or candidat à the présidentielle" et profitant d'join tradition séculaire liée au 1er avril, certains "journalistes" ont publié ce dimanche dans leurs éditions in ligne, joins interview fictive south joins supposée volonté of ma part of me présenter au scrutin présidentiel camerounais of 2018. Au regard Of ce qui to été écrit, il apparaît that ces derniers ont voulu surfer south deux éléments pour générer an effet malsain of buzz : The pray you élection of mon cher ainé are excellence Georges Weah à the présidence of the République du Liberia et the notoriété that j'ai durement acquise au fil give années dans the pratique du football. Or ce canular est malfaisant aussi Very south form it that south him fond. Pour ce qui est Of form it, In tant that camerounais je suis profondément respectueux give institutions of mon pays et ceux qui them incarnent. J'Estimate pair conséquent that l'élection présidentielle of 2018 au Cameroun et l'exercice of the fonction suprême sont très importants pour that l'on puisse in parler avec autant of légèreté. Grave plus, them auteurs of cette farce évoquent pour the railler the crise anglophone. It joins situation qui cause au quotidien the désolation et him deuil dans mon pays. Pour ce qui est du fond, tant in ce qui concerne them références malsaines à the première give me du Cameroun, qu'à mon épouse ou à mon "rapport" à the gestion du pouvoir et them relations avec month ainés; j'estimate that them propos attribués à ma modeste personne sous him couvert d'join supposée farce sont absolument réducteurs et dénotent a manque of respect total of the part of leurs auteurs qui prentendraient qu'in 2017 j'aurais déclaré "avoir toujours rêvé of faire the politique" in precisant that "him moment tant attendu est enfin là !". Enfin, je retiens that ces "média" in ont profité pour étaler him fond of leurs pensées south him Cameroun! *Samuel Eto'or Fils*

A publication shared of Samuel Eto'or (@setoo9) elAbr 1, 2018 at 7:13 PDT