Paul Riley, American trainer


American football scandal for alleged sexual harassment

Published:2/10/2021 - 18:26h

Updated:2/10/2021 - 18:26h

The feminine football in United States is living a new scandal, this time by a presumptive case of sexual bullying that already has ocasionado the first dismissals

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The alarms lit this Thursday when Paul Riley, prominent trainer in the American League of feminine football, was sacked after a group of ex players accused it of sexual and verbal abuse while they worked under his orders. The technician has been the second sacked this week by the National Women's Soccer League and the third by irregular behaviour from the beginning of the month of August.

Riley was to the control of the North Carolina Courage, directing to the team to two championships. The another trainer destituido was Richie Burke, of the Washington Spirit, the past Tuesday. Both dismissals arrived after the footballers described his abusive behaviours. The third trainer, Christy Holly, was sacked by Racing Louisville "by cause" in August; the team never revealed the reasons that motivated his dismissal.

In a communiqué that published in the last hours, the commissioner of the League, Lisa Baird, stood out that it felt "conmocionada and upset" by the indictments against Riley, but did not mention the fact that the players involved had communicated him his worries regarding the trainer, personally, at the beginning of this year.

In a statement that has been conmovedora and at the same time devastadora, the union of players of the NWSL demanded to the managers that took letters in the subject and that the reaction went immediate. And it is that, as it collects 'The New York Times', in the last years have produced a series of indictments against trainers, owners and executives of teams for having abused in some point of the athletes. They have reported that the competition does not have an effective system to detain or investigate the irregular behaviours.

"The N.W.S.L. It has failed us", it said the union, announcing that it was offering advice to any player that looked for help and establishing a way for N.W.S.L for reports it abuses. The message is clear: it has to initiate an immediate investigation and have to seat the bases so that these events do not continue repeating.

World-wide repercussion

With the happen of the hours, more voices have joined to report the presumptive case of sexual abuse and from the FIFA have announced that they began an investigation. "The FIFA is deeply concerned by the recent reports in United States made by several players. The judicial organs of the FIFA are investigating actively the subject and have opened a preliminary investigation".

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