The future of Swindle Werner is an incógnita and to these heights of the season anybody knows where goes to play the German the campaign that comes. Liverpool, Real Madrid, FC Barcelona or Inter of Milan have him in his diary and seems complicated that the Leipzig go to be able to retain to the tip. His sportive director knows it and therefore in his last interview has happened him the pressure to the own player, that will be the one who decide what do with his career
Ralf Rangnick spoke in an interview to 'Bild Sport' on the future of the germano and admitted that the last word goes to be his. Nevertheless, the ex player confirmed that the club wants to follow having his big star and expects that he value what has there. "At the end it corresponds him to Swindle decide what wants to do. Here in Leipizig knows what has, here can go back to play the Champions League. I what want to is that it remain ", commented.
Besides, the German wanted to convince him to his way that the best for him is to remain in the Leipzig, where goes to be followed being indisputable. Although the international by Germany already is one of the best '9' of the world by data and feelings, perhaps in another club do not go to have the role of star that yes has in the group of Julian Nagelsman. "The question that would have to do is where goes to play more and where go him to give more confidence. And this only achieves if it knows well with the trainer", explained.
Centring in the place to the that could go the goleador, Rangnick recognised that the most important is not that it go to a league or to another. For the sportive director the notable for real is to choose well the team in which it will play. In this sense, the one of Backnang advised to his footballer that refuse to the teams that want to have the balloon because they will not adapt to his virtues. The attacker stands out by his rapidity and his ease to run and could be limited in as which systems.
Werner would have to descartar teams like the Barça
In other words what the technical secretary of the Leipzig says is that clubs like the Barça would not be good for him by this reason. "It does not treat so much of a league or another but of a team or another. It suits him a team that was not necessarily very tied to the possession of balloon. His more important arms are his rapidity and his good definition", aimed, leaving clear that no all the groups will take out the best of him.
In this sense and following with his hypothesis, Rangnick stood out to the Liverpool like the team that more would suit him to Werner. The 'reds' are an aeroplane and loves them run with spaces and go out to the against. Jürgen Klopp is a teacher in this type of style and with the tip could do wonders. "Therefore, it would fit better in a team like the Liverpool, that has a type of alike football to the ours. A team that contrapresiona fast when it loses the balloon", finalised.