All the clubs abandon the Superliga except Barça and Madrid
Published:21/04/2021 - 12:11h
Updated:21/04/2021 - 16:19h
Atlético de Madrid has made their exit from the European Super League official this Wednesday. The colchoneros and the 'neroazzurro' have followed the six English teams. Juventus and Milan could be the next to pronounce
The Superliga European seems to have happened already to better life after the last official announcements. After the 'Big Six' English to the complete decided to abandon the competition this past Tuesday, this Wednesday other four clubs have done official his exit of the project. It treats of the Athletic of Madrid and the Inter of Milan, that have announced of official form that go to desligar of this new tournament. They have followed them AC Milan and Juventus.
"The Board of directors of the Athletic of Madrid, gathered this Wednesday in the morning, has decided to communicate formally to the Superliga and to the rest of clubs founders his decision of not formalising finally his adhesion to the project", began his communiqué the group rojiblanco, that to continuation detailed the reasons that have carried him to take this decision and the terms in which they have taken it.
"The Athletic of Madrid took the decision the past Monday to add to this project attending to some circumstances that to day of today no longer give . For the club is essential the concord between all the communities that integrate the family rojiblanca, especially our fans", explained, leaving clear that the things have changed and that the complaints of many of his fans have generated the sufficient noise as to change of idea.
To finalise, the colchoneros recognised that in consensus with his staff and technician have finished deciding abandon the Superliga because they consider that it does not fit with the values of the sport. A surprising answer, since it does some days showed the contrary supporting the project. "The staff of the first team and his trainer have showed his satisfaction by the decision of the club, when understanding that the sportive merits have to prevail above any another criterion", concluded.
Desbandada In Italy
By his part, the Inter also announced his exit of the tournament with an official communiqué. "The FC Internazionale Milano confirms that the Club no longer forms part of the project of the Superliga. Always we engage us to offer to the fans the best experience futbolística; the innovation and the inclusion form part of our DNA from our foundation. Our commitment with all the parts interested to improve the industry of the football never will change", informed.
The interistas, to finish, left clear that in spite of his course, his aim keeps on being to do of the club and of the football a spectacular and viable sport in the economic. "The Inter considers that the football, as any industry, has to have interest in improving constantly his competitions, to follow exciting to the fans of all the ages all over the world, in a frame of financial sustainability. With this vision will follow working together with the institutions and all the parts interested by the future of the sport that all love", concluded.
The AC Milan made public his posture shortly after that it did it his eternal sportive rival, whereas the Juventus of Andrea Agnelli has issued also a new communiqué in which it ensures his 'escape' of the project, when seeing the fault of supports of the world futbolístico and of the fans.
Comunicazione Relative to the progetto Super League: https://t.co/d5gyvcadxo pic.twitter.com/39beiion6m
— JuventusFC (@juventusfc) April 21, 2021