Bravo, reacting without looking to Guardiola while this embraces him


TENSION: Controversial reaction of Bravo to a gesture of Guardiola

Published:21/12/2017 - 09:55h

Updated:21/12/2017 - 11:07h

Taut moment in the Manchester City. The trainer of the group 'citizen', Pep Guardiola, jumped to the field to congratulate to his players after the victory against the Lelcester and, when embracing by the back to Claudio Bravo, this not even wanted to look him

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The veda of the controversy has gone back to open in the Manchester City, where no everything are melodies and carnations in spite of the excellent series of victories that accumulates the group 'citizen' in all the competitions. It is not any secret that the cohesion that has achieved Guardiola in the Manchester City is incredible, but in spite of everything is impossible to have to all the happy players.

And one of which less satisfied is with the opportunities and minutes of game that is giving him Guardiola is Claudio Bravo, captain of the selection of Chile and a guardameta that, in spite of exceeding widely the treintena, follows struggling for trying be headline in the Etihad Stadium.

The Manchester City won this Wednesday to the Leicester in the batch of penaltis to happen to the following round of the Glass of England, and Pep Guardiola jumped to the lawn to congratulate to all his players, included Claudio Bravo. But, when it embraced by the back to the Chilean player, this reacted with a serious gesture and without directing the look to the of Santpedor.

Bravo, a 'escape' that Guardiola has to cover

In definite, a gesture that has desatado the controversy in England and that leaves clear that Bravo is not satisfied with contesting only this season 2017-18 the corresponding parties to the English Glass, a lower tournament in comparison with the Premier and the Champions League.

Guardiola Will have to do something to solve the situation and calm the unrest of Bravo, with the aim that the bad environment do not affect to the rest of the team and, in consequence, remain mermado the excellent performance of the last weeks. If the Manchester City does not finish winning titles this season, will be only because the things have twisted in the changing room. The quality, has it.

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