The 10 sentences of Diego Maradona that remained for the history
Published:25/11/2020 - 19:22h
Updated:25/11/2020 - 19:22h
Further to leave a big repertoire of unforgettable moments in football, Diego Maradona left a thread of enormous sentences, in memory to the most important fragments of his career
Indisputable idol of the world-wide football, Diego Armando Maradona, in spite of the controversial that also went in life, did to enjoy to the whole planet of an inigualable talent, with goals and malabares that see once each a lot of years in the life. His sensitive demise has left a terrible gap in the surroundings of the balompié, but his intangible memory will follow perpetuating the memory of all that that, proud, interest and love to this sport, as it did it the same "Lint".
Further of the enormous moments that starred Maradona while it played to the football and of the enormous repertoire of played, goals, tricks and malabares that left, thanks to his indisputable talent, the same commissioned , also to analyse and to think on the instants summits of his career. The sentences and opinions that left Diego Armando, also will happen to the history and will keep in the memory of those who enjoyed it.
On his infancy in Villa Fiorito, one of the humblest zones of Argentina
"To me, play to the ball me... It gave me an only peace. The thing was to run backwards of her, have it, play. And this feeling had it always. Give me a ball and leave me do what I know, in any part".
On his debut with Argentinians Juniors in front of Talleres, on 20 October 1976, ten days before fulfilling the 16 years.
"I went in in the start of the second time. In the edge of the field, Mountains said me: 'it Go, Diego, play like you knows... And if it can, it throw a pipe'. I did him case: I received the first ball of backs to my marker, Cabrera, threatened him and threw him the ball between the legs. It happened limpita and listen the 'Oooole' of the people like a welcome".
On the Argentinians Juniors 5 - Boca Juniors 3. Year 1980
"The Crazy Gatti, poor. It had said that I was a gordito. It did not know that the bronca was my fuel. Cyterszpiller Asked me that it did him two goals and I said him: 'No, four go him to do'. Four did him".
On the World Cup of Spain 82
"My first World-wide started badly, very bad. And like this it finished also. Gentile Was my shadow. But how it hit this shadow! A lot of years afterwards the 'tano' recognised me that with a serious arbitration he had not held in the field more than 20 minutes. It crapped me to patadas!"
On the injury that suffered by the entrance of Andoni Goikoetxea in a Barcelona-Athletic of Bilbao.
"The most painful moment of my career. In the stretcher, fracturado. I already knew, already knew. It had felt the noise after the entrance of Goikoetxea. Noise to wood broken. And the pain, terrible. Anybody imagined that three months afterwards was going back to a field".
On his golden years in the Napoli
"When I arrived to Naples was in zero... And with debts. I did anything. My years in Italy were spectacular. When landing me enteré that in the previous season the Naples had saved of the descent by a point. Therefore anybody believed me when it said that we would go out champions. I attained it in the season 86/87. The party of Saint Paolo was unforgettable".
On the World Cup of the 86, which achieved with Argentina
"The most sublime moment of my career, the most sublime. When it was here, with the Glass of the World in the hands, felt that it touched the sky. That all my dreams had done reality. And also it thought in the happy that would be all the Argentinians. In spite of everything, say it. That was a selection pursued. But it was a mine selection, mine in all sense"
On his goals in the party Argentina 2 - England 1, of the World-wide quarter-finals of Mexico 86
"The hand of God. Je, je... Neither the photographers could see what happened. And Shilton, that jumped with the enclosed eyes, offended and did not invite me to his party of farewell. It liked me this goal, almost as much as the another. I felt that it was stealing him the billetera to the English after the Falklands" (first goal).
"What more can say of this goal. Simply this: I dreamed it, I dreamed it in Fiorito, dreamed it in the potreros, when it did not have neither zapatillas to play. And I did it in a World-wide, against the English. I started there backwards, in half of the field. And afterwards encaré, encaré, encaré... And I put it" (second goal).
On his positive in the World-wide of USA 94
"I insist still today: they cut me the legs"
On Pelé, the "King of the football"
"Like player Peeled was the maximum, but did not know to take advantage of this for enaltecer the football. I know that we could have done a lot of together things, but are too distinct. It was a question of skin, bumped too much. The problem was that he scared with my apparition and thought that I came to remove him something that never wanted. The number one, the biggest, that the people say it and that each one seats it"