Alemany, Casillas y Lahoz, candidatos a la presidencia de la RFEF


The 'casting' for the presidency of the RFEF already has its first protagonists

Published:13/09/2023 - 21:15h

Updated:13/09/2023 - 21:16h

Luis Rubiales will no longer be the president of the RFEF and with this the question arises as to who will be the new leader of the Spanish Football Federation. Although this question will be answered in the future, there are already some candidates lined up to occupy this honorable position

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Finally, it has been answered the clamour of a lot of voices in the world of the football. Luis Rubiales has presented his resignation like president of the Real Spanish Federation of Football. This is in reply to the constant pressures in his against because of the controversial kiss that gave him to Jenni Beautiful against of his will during the celebrations by the achievement of the Glass of the Feminine World 2023, for the first time in the history of Spain.

'Rubi' Already had a record controversial and with some complaints in his against, but this act has been the drop that satisfied the glass. After being separated of all the activities related with the football by a decree of the FIFA during 90 days, the leader has decided to put end to his mandate in the RFEF, where had been during four years. It has decided to do it to his way, announcing the decision in the program of Piers Morgan and later by means of a communiqué.

Who would be the candidates to occupy the place?

For now, the charge of president in functions of the RFEF is being occupied by Pedro Rocha, although this does not seem that it go to last long. Already they are stirring several candidates to occupy the codiciado place, as Mateu Alemany, Iker Boxes and Antonio Mateu Lahoz, as it informs the half sportive 'Relief'.

Mateu Alemany

Mateu Alemany, according to account 'MARK', has been proposed like candidate by Javier Thebes, president of LaLiga, the one who considers it like an ideal beau. Although the president of the Spanish tournament does not have influence in the Federation, have the backrest of one of the 'heavy weights' of the Iberian football could give him advantage to the Balearic if finally it decides to posit to the charge, although for now desconoce if it will do it.

The Majorcan has been involved in the world of the football in managerial charges. Lawyer of profession, began like Manager of the RCD Mallorca in 1989, charge that abandoned in 1995 to turn into Adviser Delegated of the same club. In the 2000, left this place to assume his first mandate like president of the institution 'Bermellona', which occupied until the 2005. After four years, went back to assume the presidency of the Mallorca by a year more in 2009. Later, it was General Manager of Valencia CF from 2017 until 2019, and finally turned into Sportive Director of the FC Barcelona from 2021 until this year. Therefore, it could be an attractive option in terms of managerial experience.

Iker Boxes

Iker Boxes, one of the historical referents of the Spanish football and of the combined merengue, lamentably had to withdraw because of a condition complicated of health. Although no it knows him a lot of experience in the managerial field, has been General Director Attach of the Real Madrid from 2020 to date. It knows that the native of Móstoles already had considered the idea to turn into president of the RFEF in the past, especially in the year 2020, where outlined like the main candidate to compete in the elections against Luis Rubiales.

However, in that occasion decided to not to present because of the grave situation of the pandemia of COVID-19, aseverando that "the main reason that has carried me to take this decision is the exceptional social situation, economic and sanitary that is suffering our country, this does that the elections happen to a flat second". Besides, it took advantage of to leave opened the possibility in the future. It seems that now it has arrived the opportunity so that it launch and do career like director. It is missing to consider if the exguardameta would be in works to present like candidate.

Antonio Mateu Lahoz

Mateu Lahoz, the referee of big prestige to level of the organisations UEFA and FIFA, has been considered like a referee of category 'Super Elite' until his recent retreat. Always it has manifested his wish to build and do grow the Spanish football, by what would not be surprising that, taking advantage of the opportunity, decide to add to the career by the codiciado put.