Diego Armando Maradona had always a relation of love-hate with the Real Madrid. It spoke with Florentino, fellow near of Mourinho, admirer of Cristiano Ronaldo and some time saw him by the installations of the club in some visit or activity. One of these opportunities, in 2017, the ex player had a curious conversation with the President of the club.

"Index card to Mbappé, does not matter what have, gives to Bleat that this boy will be the best", went the words of "The Lint" in a meeting that gave in an act of the FIFA. In that then, Florentino Pérez said him that there would be space for Bleat and that already had Christian and other players, as it explained the own Maradona to an interview to the daily ACE of Spain.

Three years and half after that statement, seems prediction what left Diego Armando after the goleada that the PSG lumbered with to the FC Barcelona in Champions League, with Mbappé like big appears marking a Hat Trick and doing forget to Neymar and Gave María, that did not play by muscular injury.

After the party, Mbappé and Florentino Pérez alternated the first and second position in the tendencies in social networks, one by his performance, another with the súplicas of the fanatical whites so that fiche to the that outlines like owner of the world-wide football the next 10 years, amen of what say Halaand.

"Mbappé Is the disclosure, the one who can surpass to many. Why no the fichó Real Madrid? I said him to Florentino when we saw us in the FIFA, fichá to Mbappé! But it said me ´already I have to Ronaldo, have to east…´" were the words of Maradona, in relation to the that today is the big perla of the balompié world-wide.

Hit out of the field

Already in his moment Maradona was one of the valedores of Messi indicating every time that it could that it would be an exquisite player, to the equal that of Cristiano Ronaldo. In spite of no longer be in the terrains of game and not to see them live regularly, always had clear the opinion on both.

His step like technician was very discussed but his tarpaulin to the moment to speak of some player, no, as in this case, when declaring to Kylian like disclosure of the world-wide football and ask him to Florentino that it went out of Bleat, something that surely would sign the white president in the actuality.