The decision that would take the Manchester United after the failure of the Superliga
Published:26/04/2021 - 15:40h
Updated:26/04/2021 - 15:40h
The owners of the Manchester United would put price to the club after the dissatisfaction of the fans in front of the announcement of the creation of a Superliga. According to the Irish Mirror, the price rondaría the 4.600 million euros
The United has been one of the clubs that bet by the creation of a Superliga does few days, what caused an earthquake in the world of the football that could have consequences devastadoras in a future for several clubs. The Network Devils could be one of which more would suffer his consequences.
From the British institution have opted for putting price to the club, that rondaría the 4.600 million euros in accordance with a half Irish. Nevertheless, still there is not any official pronouncement by part of some member of the directive of the team, that until the moment has kept in silence.
The Irish Mirror has detailed that from the club there is disposal to carry out a traspaso: "The investors of the city think that a near offer to his initial price of 4 billion of pounds would tempt to the brothers Joel and Avram Glazer, those who sure enough direct the club, to yield the control".
It would be the second sale of the Manchester United in less than 20 years
The team, that still is property of the family Glazer, went object of criticisms after the official announcement to integrate to the Superliga European, what would force them to yield the rights that purchased in the year 2005 in return of 790 million euros. It would remain for knowing who or who would be had to present an offer.
Included Joel Glazer, the one who has the charge of copresidente of the club, has offered apologies to the fans, signalling that they were incurring in an irrespeto of the "rooted traditions of the English football", whereas his executive vice-president has announced that will leave the place at the end of the year.