Samuel Eto'or could devote to the politics


The ex Barcelona Samuel Eto'or next president of Cameroon?

Published:1/04/2018 - 19:43h

Updated:2/04/2018 - 01:10h

In reason of the day of the innocent in France, spread the hoax that the mythical player of the FC Barcelona  Samuel Eto'or affirmed in some recent statements that wanted to be president of Cameroon. In spite of being false, no descarta in a future

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Samuel Eto'or went player of the FC Barcelona between the year 2004 and the 2009. The Cameroonian forward arrived to the pertinent Barcelona team of the Mallorca in return of 25 million euros and finish turning into a key player until in 2009 abandoned the Camp Nou for enfundarse the T-shirt of the Inter of Milan.

In reason of the day of the Innocent Saints in states like France, the magazine 'Jeune Afrique' has spread a false interview in which purportedly the Cameroonian forward had affirmed that pretended to be the next president of Cameroon. In spite of that has resulted to be a hoax, Samuel Eto'or no descarta devote to the politics in the future.

The false interview with Eto'or

The content of the interview has put in alert to a lot of media, that have spread it. In said interview, Samuel Eto'or would have affirmed his intentions. "I do not see why can not occupy the place of president of the Republic of Cameroon", said in the interview.

In the false interview, Samuel Eto'or no deleitaba with sentences like "dream with the presidency like Julio César dreamed with Rome", "Samuel Eto'or is a model for George Weah" or "Samuel Eto'or will be he same and will not leave impress by the provocations of his opponents".

Government in Cameroon

Samuel Eto'or, in the false interview, compared his team of government with a team of football. "A team of narrow relation, that can confront en bloc to the difficulties of the country. With a prime minister that have under his direction to 11 ministers and 7 secretaries of State, in a tactical diagram with big flexibility and that respect the collective spirit".

Finally, it showed had to paginate his tasks of president of the Cameroonian government with the ones of seleccionador national. "It is 50 % work of president of the Republic and 50 % of worked of seleccionador", would have said.