FC Barcelona

The football moderniza

The FIFA deletes the "penalti and expulsion" and will use cameras

Published:6/03/2016 - 18:55h

Updated:6/03/2016 - 18:58h

The new times for the FIFA and the air that seems to have insuflado the new president Gianni Infantino, do that the maximum organism of the world-wide football can modernizarse. And in this will test with the suppression of the "penalti and expulsion" and will test with the video

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The arrival of the Swiss Gianni Infantino to the presidency of the FIFA seems that it will not leave to anybody indifferent. The helvético has the intention that the FIFA modernice and adapt to the modern football. A football where at present penalises with "triple punishment" one of the most common actions in a party: the penalti, expulsion and back sanction of the player. Something that, for the own Infantino, is too and of which already has announced that it will suppress with conditions.

Him Swiss chose the back press conference to the Annual General Meeting of the IFAB, that took place in Cardiff. In this, Infantino affirmed that in those actions in which the goalkeeper or the defence commit a fault inside the area when they try to contest the balloon to the rival player "will not be red card, but yellow". The president warns that in the most violent actions himself that will keep the expulsion, but insisted in that "in those in which, for example, the goalkeeper jump to by the balloon and strike to the rival, will be penalti and yellow card",

This modification of the norm will set up in the next competitions of selections of the next month of June, as they are the Eurocopa 2016 and the Glass Centenarian America. A bank of proofs for this measure that, in words of the own Infantino, answers to "listen to the fans and to the players".

"We are opened to concretise measures and steps to show that a new was has begun in the FIFA and in the IFAB", declared Infantino. The president happened to confirm later another of the news of his intervention: the introduction of the video to help to the work of the referees. "We have to value the impact that the use of the technology has on the development of the game. We have to value what is the best for the football. We have to do proofs to know if we have to apply it or no. We have to lead a discussion, not to block it", confirmed.