The Premier League is ridding an authentic crusade against the clubs that infringen the rules of the 'Fair Play' Financial, showing openly had to impose exemplary sanctions in each case. This already has sucedido, for example, with the Everton and the Nottingham Forest, to which deduced them six and four points, respectively, by incumplimiento of the rules of sustainability and gains of the local contest.

Nevertheless, there are casts that could confront to sanctions much graver that a simple deduction of points. One of them could be the current champion of the local tournament, the Manchester City, square that recently was accused of 115 charges by infringir the rules of the 'Fair Play' Financial during a period of nine years (2009-2018). No only this, the Premier League was a step further and in February of 2023 spread, through a communiqué, a list detailed of said rapes to the regulation.

In what consist the charges associated to the Manchester City?

Of the 115 charges, 54 base in have not provided precise financial information and updated from the season 2009/10 until the 2017/18. The others are due to the lack of exact financial reports on the compensations to players and trainers that abandoned the club during the previously mentioned campaigns, breaking the regulations of the UEFA, as well as to the fault of cooperation with the investigations of the Premier League from December of 2018 to date.

For the moment, the cast mancuniano has not confronted directly any consequence by this situation, but expects that in November of this year confront to a trial to evaluate his case, which, as they inform sources, could prolong during six weeks and will carry out to enclosed door. To his time, expects that the verdict know at the beginning of 2025.

However, the situation for the ones of Pep Guardiola could complicate even more because of the intervention of a 'hacker' called Rui Paint, of 'Football Leaks', an organisation whose mission is "to look for the truth and destapar the unseen part of the football through the public pressure". Apparently, I Paint has in his power a series of emails and documents that would test that the Manchester City sure enough infringió the 'Fair Play' Financial.

Already the justice would have in his can some proofs on the presumptive irregularities of the 'citizens'

During his participation in the conference 'Offshore-Alert Marbella', Paint did not doubt in leaving clear that "the communiqués of the Manchester City showed quantities of money paid by the club that were not mentioned to the authorities of the football".

In this sense, the 'hacker' Portuguese ensure to have obtained in his moment an important quantity of information, which already has delivered to the corresponding authorities for his analysis, and does not doubt that they will find notable appearances for a possible enjuiciamiento. "These documents form part of the investigation of the Premier League on the City. Now I have delivered five hard disks to the French and German authorities with million documents, included more on the City, and have described what there is in each one. I am safe that they will find penal importance", sustained.

Rui Paint would have of unpublished information on this case and could take it out to the prompt light

In this same line, the legal representative of the Paint aseveró that also have of an important quantity of information entirely unpublished on the cast 'citizen'. "The researchers have put in contact with us to share information related with the Manchester City that has not made public before. Still we have not published the information, but have a massive archive of documents related with the Manchester City that still has not published ", added.

To close, the representative commented a sentence that, definitely, will keep in vilo to the main prejudiced by this leak, the 'Sky Blues', and possibly to the world of the football in general: "The archives will publish sometime, can not say when, but will do it".