Gianni Infantino looks on during the 137th IFAB


The IFAB will approve new changes in the regulation

Published:13/06/2022 - 14:18h

Updated:13/06/2022 - 14:18h

The offsides, the maximum number of summoned, the substitutions, the sanctions for the hands and the losses of time will be on the table in the next meeting of the IFAB, which will promote new modifications

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The International Football Association Board (IFAB) has foreseen to sustain a new meeting in Catar to give his approval to the modifications of the regulation. One of the main subjects to suffer changes will be the one of the circumstances in which a player of field could touch the balloon with the hands and which type of sanction would involve depending on the played.

Another controversial subject given his incidence in the result of some parties is the one of the offside. For this, continue studying the partial automation of the process to detect it. This technology keeps in his experimental phase and will not be on the table in the next meeting. In front of this, the president of the FIFA, Gianni Infantino, has indicated that they will make the pertinent proofs before his implementation. With these changes, a player, even being advanced regarding the penultimate man, would be enabled as long as the last part of his body with which can play was on line with the rival.

The definitions by penaltis also could be subject to alterations, specifically regarding the role of the guardametas. For this will reinforce the obligation of east to remain on the line of goal before the cobrador do contact with the ball. Until then it will be able to displace along her, but without advancing neither displace to backwards.

Modifications to the VAR

The use of the videoarbitraje supposed an important change for the football. However, the technology still has not been perfected, by what, even in his première in a tournament of envergadura like the past Glass of the World, has been in the centre of the controversy. The idea of the IFAB is to reduce the margin of error and facilitate his use in countries with sportive installations in precarious conditions given his economic situation.

In such sense, have foreseen to go down the requests for the use of this technology, that now will be less sophisticated, to the time that will have less cameras; in total, a maximum of three. Infantino Explained the aim of this measure: "It Is necessary to help to the referees, protect the game, do it better, protect and help to the referees and protect them of aggressions that unfortunately occur in a lot of parts of the world. We can not consent that players, fans, trainers abuse to the referees".

The losses of time

In front of proposals arisen of the worry by the 'dead time' in the parties (like the one of 'freeze' the chronometer to the equal that in the basketball), the president of the FIFA has indicated that this case also will be studied through a series of measurements: "it concerns Us. Another measure that it is necessary to take and concerns us goes of the hand of the stray of time and how look for solutions. It can not consent that if the football is a game of 90 minutes only play 48. They will do studies to calculate the time that plays in the parties and add it properly".

More players in Catar?

The explosion of the sanitary crisis at the beginning of 2020 forced to make several modifications, one of them, the one of the five replacements by party, measure that will keep in the competitions FIFA, but that it will be able to change depending on each local tournament. Likewise, the lists of summoned could increase until the 26 players: "we Have argued on the changes and how many players can have in the bench (...). It is a proposal to improve the football. If the seleccionadores want it, the change will arrive in Catar".

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