The Juve, investigated by a possible fraud that salpica to Cristiano
Published:26/10/2022 - 19:15h
Updated:26/10/2022 - 19:15h
The Fiscalía of Turín keeps opened an investigation on the Juventus from finals of 2021. The directive would have agreed a series of extra payments to varied of his players to the margin of adjust them salariales owing to the sanitary crisis
To finals of the year 2021, the Fiscalía of Turín made public the opening of an investigation in the directive of the Juventus in front of the presumptive present irregularities in the agreements salariales signed in the year 2020 that had like end adapt the emolumentos of players like Cristiano Ronaldo to the reality that for then ailed to the world of the football owing to the sanitary crisis.
Between the investigated appear the names of the president 'bianconero' Andrea Agnelli, his vice-president, Pavel Nedved, the then sportive director of the club, Fabio Paratici, and other three members of the managerial board. The possible transgression would be associated with a series of "false communications of the sought-after societies and broadcasts of bills for non-existent operations".
In the middle of the procedure, in which it also participated the Fiscalía of the Federazione Italian Giuoco Calcium. For this, based in a series of documents spread by the magazine 'Calcium and Finance'. In them they determined the existence of false plusvalías that surpassed the 60 million euros. The played would have had like end elevate the value of his players to sell them to a greater price in the market.
Cristiano, involved in the case
Regarding the Portuguese star, appeared a document in which the directive of the 'Vecchia Signora' engaged to pay him 20 million euros, even after agreeing discounts salariales for all the members of his staff in front of the problems that faced the economy during the pandemia of the Covid-19, that caused the suspension of the activity futbolística and the realisation of parties to enclosed door.
This to his time would form part of a series of documents in which the club left seated several similar movements with other effective of the team. Besides, the players would have received other payments that were not registered in a period of three months. The one of 'CR7', desvelado by 'The Gazzetta dello Sport', does not appear in the official accounts of the club.