Pep Guardiola, entrenador del Manchester City


The sanctions that Manchester City faces for failing to comply with Fair Play

Published:6/06/2024 - 10:36h

Updated:7/06/2024 - 04:22h

The Manchester City confronts a critical situation after being sanctioned by more than 115 financial infringements, although it has answered suing to the Premier League by damages and damages. especula On possible severe punishments, although expert suggest that the deduction of points is the most feasible sanction

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Manchester City was sanctioned for having committed more than 115 infringements in the financial rules and of sustainability of the Premier League. However, the club groins seemed to have found a solution for saldar the fine that was him imposed: pay more than 400 million euros, a figure that saldaría all the problems of the club with the Premier of automatic way.

Now, as it informed the British newspaper 'The Times', the 'citizens' have presented a demand against the Premier League by damages and damages, in an unprecedented legal action that will generate significant repercussions, with the teams of the competition taking split in favour or against. Besides, it advanced that the trial to the English group could do in November of this same year and could last some six weeks.

After these disclosures, in England especula on the possible punishments for the cast dirigio by Pep Guardiola, that could vary from slight without a lot of consequences until severe punishments. Between the gravest sanctions consider the descent of category, the loss of recent titles and the possible expulsion of the English Football League, that would not be forced to admit to the team in his competitions if it is declared guilty, as it informed 'The Telegraph'.

Everything aims to a less grave sanction of the expected

Although some teams of the Premier have asked severe sanctions for the City if it is declared guilty, the reality is that these options seem little likely. A more feasible sanction would be the deduction of points, measure that already has applied to other teams of the competition like the Everton and the Nottingham Forest. Also it expects that in case of a verdict of culpability, receive economic sanctions.

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