Pep Guardiola, in the bench during the party against the Tottenham


The strict norms of Guardiola in the Manchester City

Published:4/10/2016 - 17:46h

Updated:4/10/2016 - 17:46h

Pep Guardiola wants to have it all controlled in the Manchester City, and therefore it has imposed a series of norms to his players with the aim to boost the seriousness, concentration and harmony in the changing room "citizen". Also there are fines

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The modal do to the man, as it says the said, of the same form that the discipline in the work distinguishes also to the good of the bad footballers. Pep Guardiola is decided to do of the Manchester City one of the best teams of the world, and by this reason has imposed, as they affirm in England, an estrico control on his players, identical to the that carried out also in the FC Barcelona and the Bayern Munich.

"It forces us to desayunar and have lunch all together in the club", has commented Pablo Zabaleta in an interview conceded to "TyC Sports", desvelando besides that Guardiola has left to the staff "citizen" without Internet. "It cut us internet... We are totally incomunicados because neither holds us the 3G". To continuation desglosamos the keys of the "dictatorship" of Guardiola in the Manchester City:


They finish the pizzas, canapés, confectionery, beer and sodas, in a diet that bases in paste, rice, meat, fish, yoghourts, cereals and fruit. This is all what can ingerir the players in the Sportive City of the Etihad Stadium.


The players have to arrive to the stadium an hour before it give beginning the session of training. Of not being like this, exist fines that vary in function of the minutes of delay and the reincidencia of the footballers in question.


In the Etihad Stadium has forbidden to the footballers the mobile telephones and the headphones, with the aim to boost the chemistry between the players and avoid that they isolate of what sucede to his around.


Each player has of a complete changing room, that has to use always when it was representing to the club. Dress differently is penalised by Pep Guardiola, that already argued this subject with more than a player during the pre-season.


Never they can lose the forms in the public statements neither neither with the followers of the club, by what is important to try attend the requests of autographs of the fans and show an attitude of charm.


It is forbidden to speak badly of mates, criticise to the club or trainers or filter news to the media. Besides, all the footballers with which explains Guardiola have to be always concentrated in the welfare of the team.


With Pep Guardiola have cut of root the nocturnal exits between week, imposing an hour of arrival to his domiciles for all the players, that will not be able to exceed although there is not a strict control on this, at least in principle.


The code of behaviour that has fixed Pep Guardiola is protected with fines whose quantity oscillated between the 250 and the 6.000 euros. Kompany And Zabaleta, the two captains of the staff, are those who recopilan the money, that probably use at the end of the season with charitable ends.