Aleksander Ceferin, during a press conference of the UEFA


UEFA eliminates the polemic ruler of the double value of goals in a rival field

Published:24/06/2021 - 17:25h

Updated:24/06/2021 - 22:33h

The maximum organism of the European football has announced that deletes of all his competitions the rule of the double value of the goals that annotate like visitors

Calendar of FC Barcelona

After a lot of debates and opinions found, lto UEFA has decided to put him end to the rule of the double value of the goals out of house that had been established in 1965. Like this then , as it has confirmed the organism, the elimination of the norm will go in in force from the next season and will be a measure that will apply in all the competitions of the European football.

In a communiqué published by the UEFA during this Thursday, has announced that "following the recommendation of the Committee of Competitions of Clubs of the UEFA and of the Committee of Feminine Football of the UEFA, the Executive Committee of the UEFA has approved today a proposal to delete the called rule of the goals in contrary field of all the competitions of clubs of the UEFA (masculine, feminine and juvenile) from the phases of classification of the competitions of the 2021/22".

This has been one of the rules that more controversial had generated in the last years because it derived in a species of tendency give by well the ties (without goals) home in the parties of gone. The players, trainers and other people related to the world of the football expressed that the double value of the goals like visitor was an injustice for the clashes of turn for which played home in parties with all equalised, as in the case of an extention.

Thus, the UEFA has explained that "with the decision to delete this rule, the eliminatory in which the two teams mark the same number of goals in the two parties will not decide by the number of marked goals out of house, but it will play an extention with two periods of 15 minutes at the end of the party of turn", underlining that in the case that the clubs annotate the same quantity of goals (or remain in tables) during the extention "the launchings from the penalty spot will determine the team that classifies for the following phase of the competition".

A decsión based in statistics

The maximum organism also has specified that the decision to cease the norm is born of the statistics. "The statistics from mediated of the decade of 1970 up to now show a clear tendency to the continuous reduction of the difference between the number of victories home and to domicile (of 61%/19% to 47%/30%) and the average of goals by party marked home and was (of the 2,02/0,95 to the 1,58/1,15) in the masculine competitions, whereas from the 2009/10, the average of goals by party has kept very stable in the UEFA Women's Champions League, with a general average of 1,92 for the local teams and 1,6 for the visitors".

Ceferin Takes the word for the UEFA

The president of the UEFA, Aleksander Čeferin, has showed very satisfied after the elimination of the rule, aiming that this has been "an intrinsic part of the competitions of the UEFA since it entered in 1965 (...). The impact of the rule goes now against of his original purpose, since, in fact, now deters the local teams, especially in the parties of gone, to attack, because they fear to fit a goal that would give to his rivals a crucial advantage", explained.

The maximum mandator added that "also it criticises the injustice, especially in the extention, to force to the local team to mark twice when the team visitor has marked", signalled Ceferin in the communiqué of the UEFA.